The Hobbit Book Club Questions
Welcome to the Buddy Book Club – we have a light-hearted comedic podcast that covers a variety of books. We just finished the high fantasy classic The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (you can checkout our podcast on it as well). The Hobbit at it’s core is a fun kids book, but with real adventure, action, and great world building. It sets the foundation for the epic Lord of the Rings books (and movies of course). It is a shorter, easier venture into Middle-earth, and one we would definitely recommend.
Our book club questions try to be a little more outside the box/comedic than your typical book club questions – hopefully you enjoy them.
Book Club Questions – The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
-> Firstly, whilst you’re looking at these questions, feel free to throw on some Led Zeppelin or other rock music as they were inspired by J.R.R Tolkien and even wrote songs about his books.
It’s like the Bill Hicks skit, but replace the word ‘drugs’ with ‘The Hobbit’/’Lord of the Rings’.
-> What was your favorite scene from the book?
Personally we really liked the first interaction with Beorn, as Gandalf convinces him to let more and more people into the house.
-> Why don’t we introduce friends and acquaintances in the same manner that they do in this book?
Would love Gandalf to give me the same intro he gave Bilbo, “That is Mr. Baggins, a hobbit of good family and unimpeachable reputation”… followed by a ‘at your services’.
-> What do Dragons need Gold for? What do they do all day?
This question was eloquently answered by D-man in our Instagram clip.
-> Like the dragons with their treasure, is their something that you own, that you don’t use but if it got stolen you’d be really upset?
For me it’d be my golf clubs, I rarely use them and I suck at golf (see actual origins of golf below), but I like to know that I have them, and like to think that I’m good at golf.
-> Were the Dwarfs pretty soft/needy for most of the book, did you get annoyed with them?
In the beginning they’re constantly questioning Bilbo and why they brought him. Then they want to leave him behind with the goblins. After Bilbo saves their lives numerous times, they finally get to the mountain and decide Bilbo hasn’t done enough and still is required to steal all of the treasure alone! What are they bringing to the table, I ask!
-> Is Bilbo Baggins pretty much the opposite of every rags to riches character? I described him as the anti–Rudy, he’s small but doesn’t want to work hard and really isn’t that interested in the adventure at all.
Also, Sean Astin played Rudy and played a Hobbit (Sam) in the Lord of the Rings movies so there is some connection there.
-> There are a plethora of characters in this book, who was your favorite?
For us, it was the unsung hero’s of this book, the Eagles and Beorn. Both saved gang when they were in desperate need and also were crucial in the victory of the Battle of the Five Armies.
-> Is Adventure overrated?
If there is any theme I took from this book it’s: why leave home when you already have everything you need (namely, two breakfasts and dinners).
-> Did you find yourself wanting to take up smoking after how it is described in this book?
Sounded so relaxing, I want to blow smoke rings with Gandalf!
-> Did you know how Golf was really invented? “During the Battle of Greenfields when Bandobras Took charged at the goblins and knocked off the head of king Golfimbul. The head flew through the air for 100 yards and went down a rabbit hole”
We’re big fans anytime these type of fantasy book intertwine with real world things… Harry Potter books are the best at this.
-> What did you think of all the singing that happened in this book?
Listening to the audiobook read and sung by Andy Serkis made this a pleasant experience but I could see this not being as enjoyable when just reading it yourself.
-> Did Gollum have every right to kill Bilbo after that terrible last riddle he gave him? ‘What have I got in my pocket?’
And to not answer it?? I was furious for Gollum, he won fair and square. Bilbo cheated and then stole his ring!
-> If you were introducing a kid to a fantasy novel, which one would you recommend first?
We have read a few of these on the podcast, for me it’d probably be this order: Harry Potter, Ender’s Game, The Hobbit, Percy Jackson
Did we miss some questions? Reach out to us or check out our podcast.