Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – MOVIE – Episode 107
The Buddies fly into the fourth installment of their Harry Potter book/movie marathon with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The Buddies conjured up a spellbinding discussion covering: Dumbledore choking out students, Beauxbatons’ Disney-on-ice entrance, and ranking the top movies so far. So put on your magical eye, start flicking your tongue, and join us for the Goblet of Fire movie discussion.
Intro (0:00-0:44)
Stock Up/Down (0:45-29:14)
Favorite Scene/Character/Movie Notes (29:15-39:11)
Love/Hate (39:12-49:46)
Conclusion/Movie Rankings (49:47-52:16)
NEXT BOOK: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling
Transcript for SEO Purposes 🙂
Alright. Welcome to Book Club. I’m Dylan here with the guy who decided Barty Crouch junior should have that weird tongue tick thing going on. Keith, what’s up, buddy? Nothing wrong with, the flicking of the tongue, D Man.
Pardon? Here at the Bunny Book Club, we’re breaking down box office bangers, and this week, we’re discussing 2 1000 five’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film. If you’d like to recommend a book or movie for us to read or watch, reach out to us about a past episode, or visit our website at buddybobookclub.com. Send us an owl on the Twitter or Instagram, buddy book club podcasting your list, iTunes, Spotify, wherever you get podcasts. Please download and subscribe.
Give it a 5 star review. Whatever you wanna do, please, and thank you. Keith, let’s jump into the movie with some stock up, stock down. What do you have for stock up? Stock up choking out students that show you up.
Okay. I mean, I had to start off with this. I think we’ve referenced it a few times in previous pause, but just full disclosure. I haven’t I haven’t seen this movie, but I had seen, like, the memes or whatever of this scene. And I knew that Dumbledore kinda takes a stern talking to Harry.
Mhmm. And I was expecting. I was ready for it. I was like, oh, this could be funny. Even though I knew it was coming, that that was that was kind of ridiculous.
Right? He puts his hands around his neck. Yeah. Like, he’s gonna choke him out. I was like, wait, what?
I didn’t know this happened. That was the worst part. Like, him yelling at him is like, okay, whatever. But he literally is about to choke him out. And the reason I think it is is because he subbed the age line, and he’s supposed to be this brilliant wizard.
And Harry somehow got routed. So he was like, you gonna show me up, bitch? That’s it. And he’s, like, about to choke him out. And he’s like, oh, yeah.
There’s witnesses here. I probably shouldn’t do that. Oh. But in general, this gets me to a larger point about the movies in general Mhmm. Especially with the new actor of Dumbledore.
I think he’s evil. Like, if I didn’t know the books let me just go through some of the things that he did in this movie. Well, first, he chokes him out. And then, Professor McAnno is, like, we should not let him in the tournament. He’s, like, nah.
We’re gonna keep him in there. I don’t care if he’s gonna die. Then we have the first event or competition. The the dragon of the Triwizard? Yeah.
The dragon. They all know it’s a dragon. There’s no secrets anymore. It’s just they’re gonna be there. Hermione comes through being a good friend is like, good luck out there.
You know, I know you’re scared but like you’re gonna get it. You’re gonna do great. She’s in the tent. Rita Skeeter shows up in the tent. I don’t know why she’s there.
Yeah. Dumbledore walks in. The only thing he says is, miss Granger, what are you doing here? What? What do you think he’s doing?
You don’t need to be a fucking supreme mugwub to, like, know that his friend’s here supporting her, and he didn’t say shit to Rita Skeeter who is shouldn’t actually be there taking pictures and stuff. And it was it was just super rude. What was the reason for that? The line in the movie. And then we have Harry that he comes out of the pensive.
In the book, he’s like, oh, I kinda knew you’re gonna look into this. It was I kinda left it open. Not too surprising. And this, he’s like, what the fuck are you doing? You shouldn’t be poking around my office, you dickhead.
And then Harry’s like, well, the reason I came here is, like, my scar has been hurting and, you know, I’m having a hard time. And his response is like, yeah, maybe you should stop being a pussy. That was linear. He just pulls out a memory, and he’s, like, just forget about it. Don’t worry about it.
It’s, like, that’s it? Yeah. Well, first, I think he he, like, runs over to this corner and, like, curls into a ball. Dumbledore does. It was really weird.
It was, like, a weird acting scene. He he runs over to a corner and, like, sits he I think he’s sitting on stairs, but he’s kinda, like, curled into a ball, like, really scared. And he’s, like, oh. He’s, like, I don’t know what’s happening. And then Harry, like, divulges something.
He’s, like, shut the fuck up, Harry. I’m thinking over here. It’s like, what? But anyways, yeah. I just thought, then none of it made sense to me.
But, choking ups choking out students that show you up, just remember that’s a stock up. Yeah. And, you know, I thought it was probably gonna take us 4 minutes to get into the Dumbledore situation, and it took us less than 30 seconds, because because it was on my stock down, so, you know, I’ll burn it now, was was just having your own take on a character. Because I don’t really know what Michael Gambon and or Gamban, I don’t know how to say it, but whatever, and the director, Mike Newell, were doing to the Dumbledore character in this movie. Because he was in the last movie, and he might not have been obviously, Richard Harrison and him are very different double double doors.
I’m okay with that. And in the last movie, it was, like, I remember how much I disliked him as Dumbledore, and then then I watched the the prisoner again, and I was like, oh, he’s actually not that bad. You know? It’s, like, a different take, but it’s not terrible. And this one, it just seems to go totally off the rails.
According to Wikipedia, it says that Gammon commentated on the state of the character in the film, and I quote, Dumbledore is no longer in control, and he’s frightened, end quote. Newell compared Gaiman’s performance with Richard Harris’ iteration in earlier films showing the character as, quote, fallible and not omnipotent, end quote, and, quote, inadequate rather than super adequate, end quote. All of the things that they say that Richard Harris did or that Dumbledore is not is actually what Dumbledore is. So I’m very confused of why they took that. Dumbledore’s no longer controlled.
He’s frightened. Dumbledore only gets frightened in the 6th book when he’s like drinking that potion and is no longer in control. That’s when he’s like visibly frightened. The rest of the time, he at least acts like he’s in control. Everyone looks to Dumbledore.
He’s like the the quarterback on a really good football team when, like, shit’s going crazy. You just look to him or the head coach, and it’s like, we’re good. We got this. So you just trust that person. He needs to be that person.
So whether Dumbledore is frightened or not, he never shows it in the books. And talking about how he’s fallible and not omnipotent, fine, whatever. But inadequate rather than super adequate, Dumbledore is super adequate. He’s the only wizard that vol Voldemort is afraid of. That is super adequate.
So I I loved your take on him grabbing him by the collar. He also full sprints at him, and it’s like Terry Tate off his linebackers, what I thought he was gonna do to Harry in that scene. He just sprints at Harry and then grabs him around the throat. It’s like, what? What is happening here?
He he shakes him like a British nanny. It it it made no sense, and it’s it’s more than that though. He’s screaming the entire movie. It starts right when his first line comes up when they’re at the welcome feast, and he just screams silence. Like, I’d I’d scream it into the microphone now, but I don’t wanna ruin anyone’s ears.
But, he’s like, silence. It’s like, what? When Harry’s name comes out, it’s Harry Potter, like, screams it. It’s like, Jesus. Dumbledore, have a level of chill on you.
Like, what what is happening? The whole Dumbledore character is an even keeled person. He doesn’t panic. I’m just not sure why they went so far the other way. And it’s because they want to have their own take on this Dumbledore character that you didn’t see in 5,000 pages of books that they wanted to expose in this movie.
It was just a terrible choice, honestly. It was terrible choice. Yeah. Agreed. Well, you also said, like, fallible, like, you know, he’s someone that’s he’s not perfect.
But, like, that’s what the reason that he is such a good person is because he says that himself. He’s very aware. He’s like, hey, listen. I make mistakes. Things happen.
This Dumbledore seems like he gets angry instead of making you know, he’s not like hand up. Yeah. That’s my fault. Like, I should have known or His decision to let Harry enter and participate in the Triwizard Tournament in the books is like, okay, let’s keep a super close eye on him, because there’s something more nefarious afoot. And and Dumbledore continuously throughout this series treats Harry like a guinea pig in the books, and he does it to his own dismay.
Like, he’s not excited about having to do that to Harry, but he knows that he sees the bigger picture, and he knows that if they’re actually going to destroy Voldemort, that like Harry is going to have to be sacrificed time and time again, and it kills him inside. And so exploring that inner turmoil that Dumbledore has makes a lot of sense to me, but putting this crazy, lunatic character on screen and saying that this is Dumbledore is is is just ridiculous. Yeah. He’s just mean, and he’s not likable. Just some tough choices here with that.
And and, honestly, it puts a whole cloud on top of the whole movie, in in my opinion. But my first stock up is is SPEW, which is what Hermione’s fighting for, the Society For the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. We really need this organization in this movie, or we at least need, like, SAG AFTDA for elves in this movie or maybe some sort of agency. You know, I feel like these elves need need agents, especially Dobby was such a hit after the second film that he probably has a pretty good agent. I don’t know where they were in this one because the elves are nowhere.
Where where did the Hells Elves where are the Hells Elves in this movie? Where’s Winky? Yeah. Where’s Dobby? And I feel like they took Dobby out because they wanted it to be more obvious that Mad Eye Moody was helping Harry, and they kinda put Neville in the in the Dobby spot, which I’m I I like that, actually.
Yeah. I’m okay with that. I’m okay with that. But no Winky, it’s and the entire Barty Crouch storyline, Barty Crouch senior, it’s kind of the whole point of this story to some degree is this Barty Crouch senior, Barty Crouch junior reveal at the end that he’s been alive and that he killed his dad. And it it kinda just because of this decision, it puts weird tentacles throughout this movie that don’t make a lot of sense to me, including when we talk about that pensive scene.
Harry goes up there to to talk to Dumbledore, but because we don’t have in the book, he’s going up there because him and Grum just found Barty Crouch senior acting crazy out in the woods. Everyone runs out of the office to, you know, go find Barty Crouch. But in this one, he’s like, hey, professor. I have to tell you something. And then for some reason, they all just leave.
It’s not it’s not clear why they’re leaving. They’re like, oh, hey, Harry. I’ll just wait here. And then they leave. It’s like, What?
Why did they just Yeah. Leave? So and it all kind of stems from not having Winky in here. I think also creating more house elves is a good thing for the storyline because there’s so many we just see wizards and stuff that having Winky in there, she doesn’t have to play a big part. And I know the the people that criticize our thoughts, which are fair, is gonna say, this is a massive movie.
It’s twice or, excuse me, book. It’s twice as long as Prisoner of Azkaban. Yeah. The director wanted to make it 2 movies. Yeah.
And I think there was a push to to make it 2 movies. It seemed like the studio didn’t have any interest. Why? I don’t know. Do they hate money?
It doesn’t make a lot of sense. I think the toughest part would be really finding or manufacturing a stop point, you know, like a culmination point where then you could move on to the next one. Probably, like, after the second task, maybe. Somewhere around there. After the second task, I feel like the third task comes up pretty quickly, and then we’re into the final stretch.
So I feel like it’d have to be earlier than that, and you just, like, extend Well, I think, like, you make the 3rd task before the 3rd task could be, like, all the pencil stuff, all of the background there. So, like, the first, I mean, if you were to cut in half, it would be much more centric on the Quidditch World Cup, like that would be longer. The build up to getting to the school and like everything that goes around there much more I think personal stories because, like, the the dancing was pretty long. That was a pretty big element of the movie. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. It’d just be an interesting you know, because you have to have at the end of the movie something like an oh shit moment. You know, even in the when they bring up the 7 books, it’s like, you know, Dobby’s death and whatever was was the end of that one. Right?
And and that felt like a good stopping point. I don’t know if there is one here, but either way, I’ve we needed we needed more house elves. And and I understand the, you know, the argument that, hey, it’s all a super long book. They’re gonna have to cut a lot of this stuff. Yeah.
My, you know, double reverse, UNO reverse card is they also added a bunch of stuff that I felt, and we’ll get into it, but I felt like wasn’t necessary or, like, made stuff longer that I didn’t feel like was necessary. And they really could have gotten to the meat of the book itself as opposed to doing some of these more frivolous things. I don’t know. It’s my dig. What else do you have for stock up?
Harry is an attention seeker stock up. I know a lot of the people were thinking that. Potter sucks. Yeah. Right.
The badges. And if I watch this movie, I don’t think they’re wrong, especially the scene after he defeats the dragon or steals the egg. Right? And in the book too, he’s like this nice, young, humble kid. Right?
He’s basically famous, but, you know, down to earth. And and his internal monologue is someone that, like, shies away from attention almost. I have no inner monologue. But in the movie, he completes that first task. Right?
Harry comes back, and he’s, like, all bloodied up and charcoal still from the dragon thing. And he and he shows up at Gryffindor Tower, which, like, it’s kinda like a player, like, keeping their uniform on and going out into, like, the bars with it on. It’s it didn’t really make a lot of sense. Like, you’re not gonna shower up or anything after, like, you almost got killed. I could go, like, get the the blood kind of checked out, make sure your, like, arm is gonna fall off or gonna have any sort of, bacteria that gets in there.
Yeah. Some dragon bacteria. Sounds really bad. Yeah. But so he keeps it on, and and that which makes me, like, oh, so he’s kinda just, you know, loving this, the attention that he’s getting from from this.
And then they hoist him up on the shoulders. And they’re like, yeah, Harry. Like, chanting his name. And if that’s not enough, he pulls the egg out. And they’re like, open it up, Harry.
He’s like, hey. Does everyone want me to open it up? He’s like, who wants me to open it up? Clap louder if you want me to open it up. It was like a wrestling promo.
I was like, what are we doing here? Like, I hated him at that point. I was like, fuck this guy. No. Don’t open it up.
I don’t wanna see it anymore. So and if that wasn’t enough, he gets down after doing that. And Ron’s like, hey, man. My bad. And he’s like, yeah.
You finally figured it out, dickhead. And he’s like, What? He said sorry. What else do you want? So he does love attention.
Yeah. I’m on their side. Although, I feel like we can’t like Ron too much because they added maybe the worst detail in this movie that has ever been added to any movie that was based on something, which is that Ron had seen the dragons. They mentioned that Oh, because he said that his brother showed him the dragons, and he just didn’t tell Harry. He just said Well, he told them as a third party by the community property or whatever.
He told someone of someone and someone. Yeah. I didn’t really like that. I didn’t get that. That.
It’s it’s it’s false. It didn’t come for it’s not canon. You know, it didn’t happen in the book. And it just makes Ron look like a dick because he’s like, oh, no. I told this person thinking that they would tell that person.
It would then tell Hagrid and Hagrid would tell you. Well, that was the whole moody thing though too though. So I mean I guess so. But at the same time, it’s like it just makes it seem like because Ron is his boy. Like, no matter what happened, like, this issue they’re having with each other, and the whole point of their relationship is is that they’re brothers, basically.
You know what I mean? It’s like all all this all this little stuff, it it’s not gonna matter in the end. And, also, it does make a ton of sense because he’s like, oh, now that I saw the dragons, you would you’d be crazy to put your name in. Sorry for like, my bad. I shouldn’t I should’ve, like, believed you.
But, like, you already saw the dragons, though, So why would you still be upset? So it’s like, if you saw the dragons, the first thing you do is be like, Harry, I’m sorry. I should’ve believed you. I didn’t realize how crazy this is. There are dragons.
Like, you’re gonna have to face a dragon. Not he’ll he’ll hopefully eventually find out from somebody. And then it’s like, oh, they actually are dangerous. Oops. Yeah.
Yeah. So but but I agree with you. I thought when he walked into the common room, I thought he was gonna do, like, the the ear cuff one side, you know, then maybe the other side. Like, who wants to grow it up? Open it up.
Yeah. He’s like a hype man or something. It was Didn’t didn’t care. Kinda wild. And speaking about Harry in general, my last stock up is it’s a little one, but but haircuts stock up.
I don’t know who decided on the costume and design staff or or ever to just have all these boys just just grow it out, just to show that they’re teenagers or something. But Harry looks like Macgruber in this. He’s got this almost, like, mullet y type type thing going on. I don’t hate it per se. It seemed like an interesting choice.
Like, him and Ron are both just super long flowing hairs, like, they’re in a, like, they’re in an eighties band or something like that. And I just thought it was an interesting choice. It wasn’t it wasn’t really a strong hate, but I felt like I had to mention it. I was trying to find the, the Austin Powers, like, as long as, you know, Free Love they’re just getting their 60 vibes on, you know? That’s all they’re doing.
I liked it. They look much more British boy band or British swinging sixties. As long as you can have lots of unprotected sex with lots of women or whatever. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Let’s get into stock down. What do you have for stock down? Making a good impression, stock down, I will say that when we get to Hogwarts, we see the Beauxbaton rolling. Mhmm.
Mhmm. And they’re dressed like Mary Poppins. They’re shooting out Tinker Bells. Every guy in the place is now on the ground. They’re all, like, in awe.
Yeah. I was, like, damn. Alright. That’s how you make an entrance. Then we get Durmstrom.
They come in with a shit out of water. They’re rolling in. It looks like they’re going to war, pounding their sticks on the ground. They’re like, did the war cry going on. The girls are all slobbering over them.
Viktor Krum is wearing a bear fur. Looks like like I’m about to about to, go Get Westeros or something? Go, Leo in that, one movie where he wanted an Oscar, actually. Yeah. What an entrance for both of them.
And then I’m, like, oh, shit. What’s Hogwarts about to do? What are we about to see here? Maybe we got, you know, something like the ceiling does some majestic show like the, Las Vegas sphere maybe? You know, that’s what I was thinking.
Dumbledore is, like, oh, yeah. I’m kind of the badass wizard. Let me show you what I can do type thing. Or, you know, worst case scenario, we’ll we’ll throw, like, the sorting hat out there. Right.
Have him sing a song. Right. Exactly. Worst case, nope. We’re gonna sing off tune to some random terrible song that has no purpose and no one knows it.
We have to put the lyrics up here so everyone sings it. What? Yeah. That’s the intro? We we have, like, the most historic school in the wizarding world, and this is what we’re doing?
Who gives a shit about this song? Terrible first impression. I would have left the school right after that. That whole scene was in one of my stock downs, which was walkout music, stock down. This when I was this is one of the things I was alluding to earlier where they went long on stuff that really had no need.
I did not understand what was happening in this scene at all, like, the welcome which is basically the welcome feast when Dermshring and Beboutin students are introduced. From beginning to end, it made no sense to me. It starts with Filch doing this, like, oh my god. I just pooped my pants run down the great hall, which didn’t make any sense. Real quick.
Can I say that Filch is the best character in this, this movie? Every time he’s on screen, I was laughing. He was absolutely hilarious in this movie. The entire scene of this scene was a mix of, like, cringe and uncomfortable laughter for me. So I was definitely laughing when he did the run, like, the poop my pants run that fall.
It didn’t explain why he was doing it whatsoever. It was just like he that’s how he runs, I guess. And then the Beauxbatons entrance, I guess this is how they’re gonna introduce villas into this because I guess they’re all villas. But they have, like, a gymnast on their roster who’s, like, doing in a leotard and, like, doing gymnast y things. And I had no problem with any of that.
I don’t I don’t know what your what the issue was. This Dermstring, they come out looking like almost like an act you would find as you’re walking around the park at Disney World. It’s just like, oh, look at these guys. They’re doing stuff, or or when you go into any city, and there’s, you know, guys there with a a a, you know, 5 gallon bucket that they want tips into, and they’re doing gymnasticky moves and but also some performance, performative dance. Why is this in here?
Like, couldn’t they just say, hey. Here’s Boba baton. Here’s Derbyshire. Yes. They’re regal in their uniforms.
That was good for me. I thought the Boba baton uniforms were quite nice, actually, the Mary Poppins ones you referenced. It just seemed like a a lot, and then the Hogwarts song comes on, and I said, what the fuck? Where are we here? What honestly, where are we?
This is not Harry Potter. This is some weird children’s movie that I just happened to find myself in. So, yeah, that whole scene was very confusing for me. Well, they they needed to introduce the schools and, like, what they’re about without having to narrate it. So they’re, like, we’ll just do something over the top.
So I I get it for the 2 schools. I was just really more upset with the the what what was the point of the song? We already know what Hogwarts is about. So why who is this song for? Hold on.
It doesn’t make any sense. Hold on. I agree. They did it so that we would understand what the schools are about. You don’t need all the pomp and circumstance to show that.
They already pretty much covered it. This one school comes out of a ship in a lake. Okay. This other school comes in a Cinderella chariot withdrawn with a bunch of pegasuses. Okay.
That’s 1. And then, the girls come in all prim and proper, and the guys from Dermstring come in all brooding. I got it. I figured it out. It’s I don’t need the dance routine.
You know, it’s, like, went so extra. He didn’t like the blowing the fire around Dumbledore, and he was, like, what is this fire? I’ve never seen this. It was terrible. It was honestly fucking terrible.
Alright. I didn’t I didn’t hate it as much as you do. I did hate the the the singing as much as you did, though. Yeah. The singing was definitely the worst.
No. The little girl being the gymnast was the worst because it was so confusing. I was like, why is she here? Listen. I I liked all the stimuli.
I don’t know. I mean, I it’s I’m a simple man. I I liked it. I was like, oh, that’s what they’re about. Okay.
Well, I was like, oh, they cut the entire actual Quidditch of the Quidditch match so I could watch these people do backflips in the great hall and then sing a song that we’ve never heard before. Checks out. Yeah. That that checks out. What else are for stock down?
Last one, movie ending stock down. And I’m not talking about the climax of this movie. I thought that was great. I’m talking about the very last scenes. I I’m convinced at this point that they’re trying to make they’re like, can we one up the last movie’s ending and make it even worse?
You mean, like, one down it? One down. Yeah. I was watching it at the end. I was like, okay, this movie is gonna nail the ending.
The last 3 were so terrible that they’re gonna get it. And they’re like, the the craziest thing is the ending is actually perfect. That great speech from Dumbledore, we pan up to the ceiling. Boom. End the movie.
Uh-huh. Instead, it turns into a completely different movie for the next 3 minutes to end the movie. It didn’t make any sense. Everyone’s celebrating after this, like, horrific, like, heart wrenching speech Yeah. Where, like, everyone’s, like, what a great school year.
School year. We get that for 3 minutes. We get Victor Crum being, like, yeah. Why don’t you, message me over the summer? We’ll see what’s up.
I’m, like, what what the hell? Alright. That was weird. And then the worst part is that Harry, Ron and Hermione have, like, the farewell scene. And this should be, hey, listen, we’ve been through some shit together.
We’ve had some ups and downs, but we’ll always be friends. Mhmm. We ride together. We die together. Bad boys for life.
Essentially, that should have been. Right? Instead, they just make Hermione seem super weak and, like, timid. And she’s, like, can you guys write to me this summer? And Ron’s, like, fuck no.
I’m, like, wait, what? And then Harry’s, like, yeah, I’ll do it every week. I’m, like, Harry, you bitch every summer about not being in contact with the wizarding world. Like, you would love that. What are you talking about?
It made it seem like they aren’t even good friends Yeah. At the end. I’m like, why would you be why would you not wanna write to this person? You’ve, like, spent 4 years of your lives with them, like, every day, and you’re, like, best friends. Yeah.
It didn’t make any sense. And then it cuts to, like, happy music and, like, going off in the sun. Like, didn’t we just see a dead person die, like, 4 minutes ago? Yeah. I I couldn’t agree with you more.
The once again, this is another thing that I said should’ve never been in in the movie, and they could’ve actually filled it with content that could have that should have been there. We get everyone in the courtyard hags in each other, tasking them to sign their yearbooks. It’s like, oh, can you just, like, put a little bit of Cedric’s blood on the page? Because, like, you know, rip. It was like, why is this happening?
Why is everyone so how is Voldemort’s back? Like, Dumbledore just said that. He murdered thousands of people. Like, go home to your families and cry. This is terrible.
And Yeah. It should have been like 9:11 just happened. Yeah. Exactly. It’s like, what a great school year.
And and then this the the 3 of them hanging out. I totally agree with you. If you’re gonna include it, that’s fine. Them looking out onto the lake, but being like our worlds are about to change, and we got each other’s back. We always have.
We’re gonna get through this together, because that’s not that’s what the story is about. It’s about them getting through it together and and working so well as a team, even though they have differences every, you know, every other day or whatever the case is. But but instead, it’s this weird thing about writing each other. It’s like, what? And just them, like, belittling Hermione, who is the smartest and best out of them all.
So I I Right. Right. Confusing. Confusing. My last talk down is just live sporting events in the wizarding world.
I’m out on them. Not only did we not get any Quidditch action, so I can’t really actually speak to the play on the field. But the viewing experience for the Quidditch World Cup looked horrendous. It was all obstructed views. Did you see the, like, buildings that they had created?
The when the minister of magic, who’s took over the Ludo Bagman’s job, but we haven’t even mentioned that, like, Ludo’s not in this, so, like, you know, so RIP to him as well. But when he’s doing his thing in his box that the Malfoy is like, oh, we’re sitting in the box and you guys aren’t, even though they are in the book. You look at the box, and it’s it’s like an erector set that you’re supposed to be looking through. So it’s a terrible viewing experience. You can’t see any of the the actual Quidditch match.
The leprechauns or the leprechaun itself, it wasn’t even a leprechaun, that looked cheesy. That looked like something anyone can do. That’s not magic. No villas to get our hearts going a pitter patter. And when we finally do start seeing people on brooms, it’s Crumb out there doing, like, motocross moves on his broom.
They just took motocross moves and said, okay. Do it on a broom. And then the whole experience culminates with death eaters basically doing a reenactment of the firebombing of Dresden on the tent community. Did you see how expansive that destruction was? Yeah.
And I also still don’t understand. There’s, like, thousands of thousands of wizards there. They all have wands, and there’s, like, 4 Death Eaters that walk there. And they’re, like, we’re all gonna die. Everyone, run for the hills.
Like, Can can you just like, 10 people just be, like, stun? Stupefy. And that’s it. Stupefy. Yeah.
Expel it. To that. Yeah. Yep. That’s it.
Let’s go home. Another another Scott evil situation. Right. Right. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. But when they do, like, the big pan out of the destruction, I was like, woah. Holy shit. He’s in a World War 1 battlefield.
It’s like post apocalyptic all of a sudden. You’re like, wait. What? What happened here? Yeah.
Like, they would after that, considering how many people were at the Quidditch World Cup, they would have gone back to school, and everyone would be dead because all those people were there. It’s like, I don’t think the Death Eaters like, 6 Death Eaters could do that much damage. But, hey. At least the time they got to spend in the wizarding tent seemed pretty cool. That was those wizarding tents seemed freaking awesome.
Out of a Moroccan bazaar or something like that, I loved it. I loved the tent, all all in. Yeah. I actually didn’t let mind the, that whole scene. I thought the same actually was cool.
It went all the way up like that. I thought it was pretty cool. That was interesting. And I did think they needed to kinda run through it quick because I needed to get to the the school. So I understood the cuts they made.
So I wasn’t super Yeah. I’m I’m more being a dick about it than anything else. Like, the the Quidditch World Cup in general sounds like a a fun thing. You know? But, The tent was the most important, which which is what we saw.
Yeah. I’m glad we saw the the tent. And they did include a couple, like, book type things in there that if you had read the book, you would see, like, the muggle who was leading or, like, wasn’t managing the whole thing. I was kind of upset that people were all dressed in robes, and they weren’t trying to be, like, fit in with muggles, which is what they’re supposed to be doing because that would have been kind of fun from a costume perspective. But without any explanation of that, it wouldn’t make sense to, like, viewers, so I get it.
Right. And and I understand cutting the actual Quidditch. Like, it’s this isn’t it’s not a sports movie. We don’t need to see The Quidditch. Like, I get that Crumb is the biggest guy in the world.
Like, that’s fine. If you’re gonna cut stuff from the book, I’m happy that hit the cutting room floor. There’s just a couple of times in here when they have these big, wide shots that it’s for a spectacle, like it’s for a Wow moment, but it just doesn’t tie in with reality whatsoever. That being one of them, and then the other one being the maze at the end when they show the entire maze, and it goes on for literally tens of miles. It’s it’s like, wait.
What? This maze goes from here until 3 mountains down? Like, no one it would take you a month to go through that maze. What what are we talking about? It looked nice, but if you stop and think about it for half a second, you’re like, that makes zero sense.
And having seen the movie several times, you know, that’s that’s what I’m doing. Do you have a favorite scene from this movie? And this is actually probably my favorite scene of all the movies so far. Yeah. This I really, really like this.
When Harry escapes, and comes back and the I I feel like I’m starting to use juxtaposition a lot because you use it a lot and it’s in a tool song. Cool. But when he comes back and, like, brings Cedric’s dead body and the music’s playing and it’s all cheerful and everyone’s like, great job. You guys did it, whatever. And he’s just lying there dead and he’s, like, crying over the body.
That hit me. I got chills. Yeah. That that that was incredible scene. By far the best scene, I feel like, or at least most dramatic scene in the movie.
That is how you nail it, where remember movie 3 we talked about how the big turn was, like, so it’s such a fizzle. It was such a it was so disappointing. This was, like, shit. But Dark Lord’s back. He just murdered someone.
This is a real person that was right in front of your eyes. It’s, like, dead. Dad’s there crying over the body. Like, oh my god. Like, this is This ain’t no kids’ room anymore.
Yeah. You felt that. By far the best best scene and, like, some the first time I felt something in in the Harry Potter world. So love that. It’s as far from little girl doing gymnastics in the Great Hall as we could have possibly gotten.
Yeah. You know? It’s like that’s that’s why that other scene bothers me so much because this is what this book is. It it’s dark. It’s real.
But I think you need the lightheartedness at the top to in order to make the death even worse. That’s why I like it. Need a it’s a small world after all kind of thing going on. It can be lighthearted and fun. You know, there are fun things that happen in the wizarding world.
There’s tons of fun jokey stuff that happens. The dress rope stuff, great. That’s showing fun, whimsical, whatever fun stuff, and then this takes it to the next level. I I get that. It’s just some of the stuff is just kinda cheesy.
But, yeah, I agree with you. That scene was great. I also like how it’s, like, big band polka music kind of playing. Right. Right.
That the music itself, it could have been, like, this dark, ominous music, but instead that made it even worse. Yeah. It was, like, shot brightly too. So just like the the difference between what Harry was feeling, what everyone else has experienced is such a contrast that it makes it even better. Yeah.
I think, our boy Danny Radcliffe kinda reached down deep for that scene too. I think he did a pretty good he did a pretty good job. That long hair must have been that’s what it is. Makes your brain go longer. Yeah.
So I think my favorite was rewind 15 minutes, but when he gets to the graveyard, like, the graveyard scene in general and the introduction of of Voldemort as a character, we can talk more about, you know, the new characters and whatnot, but Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort is fucking perfect. He is so good, and you need a real actor for that character. Not saying that there’s not a lot of real actors in the in these movies, but he’s like a Oscar winning actor. You know what I mean? Like, he’s he’s so good.
Well, he plays, like, the worst bad guy or real person bad guy ever, right, in Schindler’s List? Yeah. That’s true. I forgot. I think about him when I think of that World War 1 movie.
I think it’s World War 1 or World War 2 movie that he plays in. Oh, the Seinfeld movie there, I remember? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Shit. What is that movie? That book wasn’t actually bad. I remember reading that.
Oh, you did? In high school. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting.
Yeah. I I like honestly, I like the movie too. If you if you’re into if you’re into dramas, it’s a great movie. Saw the movie. Isn’t he getting, like, bathed for, like, 2 hours, though, or something?
It was it was kinda weird. Yeah. It’s like a down pilot in Africa or something like that. And why can’t I think of the fucking movie? I was silent patient.
Is that what it is? No. That’s a that’s a book we read now. No book we read. Yeah.
It is something like that. Patient. Yeah. English Patient. There you go.
Yeah. Yeah. So, but, yeah, he was I just thought he was so good as Voldemort. The look of Voldemort was awesome. Like, that character design was was perfect.
Apparently, they’re gonna make his eyes, like, red and whatever, like, slits, like snake eyes. And he was like, nah. We’re not doing that. I’m too good of an actor for that. They’re like, okay.
Oh, okay. Interesting. Because that’s the one thing I did call out when I was watching on the couch with Care. It was that the only thing they missed was that his eyes are red. And, no.
I like it there. I like it. I like it. I like it. Yeah.
It made him more more human qualities. Those eyes are evil. So, like, that it’s just the actor’s eyes are amazing for that. So So I just I just thought that scene was awesome in general. They pretty much nailed nailed that one.
What about favorite character? Do you have a favorite character from the book that’s different or from the movie that’s different from the book? No. Same as the book. Mad Eye, I thought was incredible.
A lot of times you imagine what the character is like. They did it perfectly. That’s exactly who I I imagined what it was. Similar to, like, what Snape is, I feel like they really just nailed that character perfectly. I was super happy.
And you could tell he has all these, like, ticks and things like that, which are kind of telltale signs of of why he’s actually a bad guy, but like, at the same time, didn’t know the twist that you would just think, oh, he’s just a crazy person. So Yeah. So it’s Brendan Gleeson who who plays him, and I agree. I think he he played him perfectly. Mad Eye was awesome.
The character look was awesome. Like, every everything about it was great. But I do wanna ask you, his first lesson, we lauded it in our book podcast because everyone left that classroom being, like, this was the best lesson ever. Oh my god. The the 3 curses, that was wild.
This one in the movie doesn’t give off kind of best teacher vibes. It more comes across as, like, oh my god. This person’s a psychopath vibes. Right. Right.
That’s true. This movie was much, much more bread crumbs of Yeah. This guy’s a bad guy. Yeah. Like whereas in the book, it’s it would be very very hard to know that he was bad.
Mhmm. And this it’s like I mean, first of all, we get introduced to Barty Krush junior in the beginning of the book Oh, interesting. Or the beginning of the movie. Yeah. So which I actually didn’t mind because, you know, as a viewer, it had been pretty tough if you just all of a sudden were like and this guy’s the son of that other guy is only on screen for 5 minutes.
It makes a lot of sense for him to be included in that opening scene. Yeah. And then also the ticks like I mentioned like the lucky ending. You like the tick? No.
No. I didn’t actually necessarily like that but I just think that if you were someone that wants to like try to solve the mystery as you’re watching the movie, it’d be much easier to do that in this sense. Like, it was like right in front of your face I thought compared to the book where I don’t think if you read the book, there’s like no person that ever will be able to predict that in the book. The book is so hard to because there’s so much going on. There’s no way you could be like, oh, this guy that’s been helping him the whole time, he’s actually bad.
They’re like, wait, what? We also didn’t even know he was alive in the book. So it’s, like, to even predict a guy that’s not even alive. I I don’t like how they went about it to say, like, oh, you could have figured this out. They put so much effort into giving those breadcrumbs that it took away from it with the tick.
Like, everything else was fine for me. It’s like, oh, those are fine little breadcrumbs to leave. But then having him do the, like, the weird tongue thing, it just That was just to show that his dad knew who he was. That didn’t make any sense because he kills him, but we don’t have to hear anything about that. We never know.
No. They never say anything about it again, so it’s like, So, yeah, I agree with you. The one point when he does the tongue tick thing and his dad kinda goes bright eyed and is like, oh my god. Yeah. That’s great, but we don’t have any of the Barty Crotch backstory, so it doesn’t matter to the viewer.
It just kinda was weird to me, honestly. I don’t know who decided to sit down and be like, hey. We should do this so that we can, like so that on the second watch, people are like, oh my god. That was definitely MC, that tick. It’s like, yeah.
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
So my favorite character was Amos Diggory. We, you know, we kinda talked about it in your favorite scene, but, additionally, on top of that, he just seems like a swell guy. They took out all of the dick stuff that he says to Harry in the book and changed it to, like, Merlin’s beard, Harry Potter, really nice to meet you. Let’s go enjoy the Quidditch World Cup. It’s like, oh, sweet.
Seems like a nice guy. I mean, him crying out at the end, like, my boy. It it’s fucking gut wrenching. I don’t know if it’s because I’m soon to be a new parent or something, but it it, like, hit me so hard in the feels. It was, like, real.
I don’t know. It felt like that guy wasn’t acting. It felt it felt real, and it affected me. Well, I told you, it gave me chills. You just had it as ominous the whole time, and then you’re, like, something bad is gonna happen, and then the guy dies.
And so it just doesn’t hit it the same as, like, that. Everything’s amazing, and then all of a sudden, one second later, everything’s the worst thing ever could that could ever happen to you. You know, it’s just, like, holy shit. Yeah. So so I I thought not only did they do a good job with his character, but the actor and I’m sorry I don’t have his name, but he did a phenomenal job with the with the short amount of time he had on screen.
Yeah. And it would’ve been tough too if they made him, like, a dickhead, and then it wouldn’t have hit it hard. Instead, he’s, like, a nice, like, midwestern dad. If they made him, like, just insulting Harry, he’d be, like, maybe you deserved it a little bit. So yeah.
And so these are things that when you’re gonna condense a book down to this movie’s, like, 2 hours and 40 minutes long. It’s a long movie. But when you’re gonna condense a big book down to it, there are some things that are gonna get will get left out. I understand that. And some things you have to change.
Changing something like this seems to make a lot of sense. It like improves upon it. It’s kind of like what we talked about when the Marauder’s map situation came out with Lupin in the last one. And they kinda changed how that happened, which not only cut out a piece of the book, but it also made a little bit more sense to the story and didn’t miss a beat. This seems like one of those things where there’s a bunch I feel like in this movie that they cut or extended and then it did make a lot of sense.
So, for studio notes, I I didn’t really have a lot because it doesn’t really matter. I think it’s, like, an 88 on Rotten Tomatoes or something like that. I looked it up, but I didn’t even write it down. And it made almost 900,000,000 in theaters, which is interestingly enough, the 6th highest grossing Harry Potter movie, which, you know, I feel like both sevens, 1, and then maybe, I guess, like, the other ones, just, like, the later ones. But 6, there’s 8 movies.
So what made less? Book 2? Casting notes, we already talked about Brittney Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. We had Rita Skeeter who she’s, like, a famous actress as well, but her storyline’s pretty much cut from from this movie as well. Let’s just slide into some love hates.
Keith, what did you love about Goblin Fire? Yeah. I already touched on it a little bit. I did think that they jumped around stuff but they covered the bulk of what they needed to cover and I know it sounds like you didn’t like it as much as I did but I thought for for this movie in particular, I never thought I was watching a movie. I was just locked in.
Movie 3, the like the whole time I was very very aware I was watching a movie. Like we we talked about some of the stuff they did in that where I was just like, what? Like what’s going on? Why are they doing like these things? It doesn’t like make sense of what’s happening.
Where this where there’s a length a lot of choices I didn’t like but the movie itself was very captivating. I was locked in the whole time. I wasn’t thinking about like stuff that like annoyed me, you know. They’d know me briefly but like I would just get right back into the movie. I think the pacing was great.
I actually think I liked a lot. Probably better than you. Yeah. I have a lot of hates but, like, the hates to me were the most important part of the movie in book in movie 3 was ruined. The most important part of the movie in this one was the best scene I’ve seen.
So, like, that’s the big difference where I can take a a shitty actor choice, but I can’t take a you ruined the best part of this book. Yeah. You know what I mean? So My my I guess, my only qualm with with what you said was the pacing aspect and because for me, this movie felt like a bunch of scenes that they just then put together. Like, it didn’t That’s true.
It didn’t have, like, a con there a continuation kind of thing. So, it was just like, oh, here’s this scene. And then we jump to somewhere else, and it’s this scene, especially because it goes throughout the whole year. And then it’s like, oh, all of a sudden, we’re over here, and then we’re over here. It’s just like it didn’t flow.
There wasn’t a lot of flow to it. It just seemed like they stitched to together a bunch of scenes. The 20 hour plus book task to make that into a 2 hour movie is, I mean, I gave them some some breaks there, like, but I agree, like, I mean, it it there was a lot of scenes, but I think the scenes were good, but you’re right. It it definitely could have been better flowing, but I think this is a hard Yeah. Hard ask.
Yeah. That’s fair. I loved the the characters. I know we talked about it already, but the the Mad Eye Moody, Voldemort, the graveyard scene, everything with with Moody in it, Even, like, his shot right after, Filch does his poop run of Moody, like, on the rocks looking up at the castle. Like, some of those shots were really good, and we don’t like the actual conversation that’s going on with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the end.
But I did like that shot, you know, of them kind of overlooking the lake as, like, those people are going away, kind of like a transition to a new time. It checked out for me, so I like that stuff. And I thought the first task in terms of, like, how the the dragons look was probably the best iteration of dragon CGI. I feel like we’ve seen it. It’s they talk so much about how good the dragons were in Game of Thrones, and there were some good dragon scenes, but this came out earlier and, was better in my in my opinion.
So Well, I also think, yeah, just the three tasks in general, like, I had definitely have some complaints about them. But overall, that’s really what the movie was about, the 3 tasks. And I think they did a good job. Especially the first one, I I have really no complaints other than Dumbledore being a dickhead to Hermione for no reason. Yeah.
Mer mer people looks great. The mer people look awesome. Yeah. Second one was good. The only issue I had with that was Cedric gets there, like, right after Harry, and he’s the one that actually releases Cho Chang.
And in the book, he Harry is the one who gets there first, cuts the person off, and then, like, helps Cedric cut everyone else out. Cedric really was the person that won. Yeah. Cedric got there, like, a second after Harry in in the movie. Harry wouldn’t have gotten them out if he didn’t help.
Yeah. So, and, yeah, in the book, Harry, I think, like, gives Cedric a sharp stone or something to to Right. To cut her out. So Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. I agree with you there. I we we might have to talk about the 3rd task because we I will not agree with you there. What else did you love? I already mentioned it.
Filch just, stealing stealing everything he was in. They figured out Felch. Like, the first three, I’m like, this guy sucks. What what’s the point of him being here? Now he’s the the comedic relief.
Yeah. I love him. He’s he’s something like that. I honestly didn’t really love much else. So, what about hates?
Hermione in general just I I already mentioned earlier, but she just seemed weak and emotional. That’s not really her in the book at all. I really like her in the book because especially when, like, they wrote the whole gossip call on her, and she was just, like, yeah, I don’t give a fuck. Like, you know, I’m not gonna get mad. I’m gonna eat it.
Yeah. Like, I’m gonna now do I’m gonna, like, hit the books harder. And this, like, they write the gospel, and she’s, like, crying. And I’m like, Yeah. Hermione is, like, the Donatello ninja turtle.
Like, she’s the smartest one of the bunch, but she’s also a badass. You know? Like, she can also do the kung fu and shit. So and, obviously, they’re not doing kung fu and, in wizarding stuff. But, you know, she she’s even keeled, knows it all, and, like, has a plan.
Almost conniving, but in the best way. She’ll figure it out. The fact that she shows, like, no emotion at all and then she shows emotion at the ball, oh, that’s kind of interesting. Like she oh, she really does have feelings like that’s how it upsets her. But if she’s just showing emotion at all times and upset all the time and then it’s like she’s just whiny then.
She’s weak. She’s not, like, the character you need her to be. Yeah. It’s okay for her to show that, I felt like, at the ball with Ron because of their growing relationship. But But then she gets to, like, the gossip column and she’s crying.
And then, like, they’re, like, will you please write me at the end of the it’s, like, what? She wouldn’t do that. Yeah. I don’t know. That I don’t know.
It seemed out out of her character. So, for my 8s, we talked about movies for a lesson, Ron Sing the Dragons. The learning to dance scene before the ball, get it out of here. Who decided to add that? Oh, with miss McGonigal and, Ron.
Yeah. And Ron. It’s like, sure. This is probably that, like, levity or whatever the thing is to find. But it’s like a value over replacement, you know, as they say in the sports world, value over replacement.
Because it’s a fine scene. It’s it’s not good, but it’s fine to to show that. But the replacement is having all the other stuff that happened in the book in there. It’s like a 5 minute scene. You could have definitely fit in some Winky.
You could have definitely fit in some Ludo Bagman. You could have definitely fit in the Rita Skeeter storyline about how she’s a secret and a magus, and that’s actually Hermione’s whole plan from the get go, You know? You could have fit in Harry giving the money to the Weasleys to start their empire. There’s so many other things you could have slid in there with that 5 minutes than them learning to dance. And once again, it was just kinda, like, cut.
It’s like this scene just got, like, pasted in there. It didn’t it didn’t make any sense. So Well, the actors, fun fact, took 3 weeks of, dance practice to prepare for that scene. So they needed to keep it aired. So I was like, wait, 3 weeks?
They were doing, like, 1 step, 2 steps. Yeah. They’re doing it. And I’m an awful dancer, but I think I could pick that up in, like, a day. Yeah.
I think it was like a waltz. Like, a 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Yeah. Right.
I don’t think there’s much talent in that. Ugh. Yeah. So I I just thought that scene was pretty pretty fucking stupid. What else, Shane?
Yeah. I didn’t, like, left out the 3rd tab. Thank you. That’s where I’m going next. The trees and, like, the roots being the enemy, I’d much liked it better when it was just an actual maze with, like, enemies in the, you know, at the at the corners of the maze.
Not that like they left out the troll, which I thought would have been cool to add in. The worst part too of Dumbledore is, like, you’ll change when you get in there. But like, so it makes it seem like Viktor Krum goes crazy. You’re like, oh, it’s just because Yeah. The trees are crazy.
It makes it so the fact that he gets possessed, that should be like, what the fuck’s going on with Viktor? Why is why is he doing that? But instead you’re like, I guess it’s the trees that are making him crazy. It doesn’t it was stupid. They should’ve kept it the the same as as a book.
Yeah. It started off with the the giant maze that goes on forever, and I was like, okay. This is gonna be a problem. Someone just, like, is doing the computer graphic imaging or whatever and just, like, kept copy and pasting more maze throughout the shot that they had. I was like, you could’ve stopped somewhere.
And I was fine with it just being, like, super dark and misty. Like, that’s fine. Set a tone. No problem. But the whole point of the maze is it’s supposed to be the ultimate wizarding task.
You’re trying to it’s simple. You’re trying to find a cup, but strewn throughout this maze is different creatures from the wizarding world that you’re gonna have to get by or different things. It makes the most sense. Instead, the maze itself is the enemy. It’s like all of a sudden became The Shining, and, you know, the roots coming to get you, the tree’s closing in on you.
And then, the two biggest issues I have with the whole maze is Sedgwick uses expelliarmus on Krum, and it doesn’t even disarm him. It hits him in the chest. He flies away, and they even cut a close-up scene of Krum, a close-up shot of Krum holding his wand. It’s like, what? Expelliarmus is you disarm someone.
That’s literally what it is. And it’s like, okay. This is just another thing of these movies where all the spells do exactly the same thing. It’s just you hit someone with a laser beam and they fly away. It’s like, I hate that.
And then the biggest issue is they got the Cedric and Harry at the end going for the cup so wrong. That bothered me the most because it’s supposed to be that they both fought off Krum and they see the cup and they know they’re equidistance away and they say, you know what? Let’s just go But the scene after that’s so good, you forget. Yeah. You forget.
Let’s be honest. That’s the Let’s go grab it together, and they’re chums. You know? Let’s do this for Hogwarts. And it also helps Cedric’s case is, like, you know, he’s just a good guy.
Cedric is just a good guy. As simple as that. And instead, they’re, like, elbowing each other in the face, sprinting for this cup, and, you know, which then all of a sudden, the maze just jumps up and grabs Cedric, and he’s crying for Harry to come save him. It’s like, Harry is not the savior there. They’re just 2 kids in a fucking shitty situation that are gonna win it together because humanity prevails over evil.
And I know they tried to do that with, like, Harry being saying to him, like, oh, I almost thought I wasn’t gonna save you 2 to show, you know, how we can all be as humans. But, it just it it took the tone all the way the wrong way for me on that. How does it rank for the movies for you that you’ve seen? Because you’d seen the first one. Right?
But you hadn’t seen 2, 3, or 4. Yeah. I haven’t seen it. So now that you’ve seen them, how do you how do you rank all the movies? Kinda surprised you, I think.
I I think this is the best one. The other ones were either weren’t as well acted or they weren’t as well paced or they were, like, dumb like the third one. I think it’s 4, 1, 2, 3 for me. So Fascinating. I like this because our books are so far right online.
So, yeah. This was probably the 2nd worst, I would say. I’m gonna go with Let me ask you this. What if you look at all 4 of the movies, what’s the most memorable scenes? Because the to me, the death scene when he comes back and the Voldemort scene when he’s there and the dragon and the water scene are all in the top 10.
Mhmm. With the the top 2 being the death scene in the Voldemort scene. So I can’t even think of, like, what would be on that list from any of the other movies. That’s my biggest problem with the other movies. They’re, like, they’re not super memorable.
They’re just, like, oh, I watched something. Yeah. For this one’s, I’m, like, oh, I’m thinking about the movie after it. Yeah. That’s an interesting it’s a fair point, but I’d say my counterpoint would be someone could have, like, a sick touchdown in a football game, but still lose the game.
You know? So that that’s a memorable touchdown, memorable catch, if you will, whatever the case is. Would you rather go to a game that’s, like, 9 to 6, 3 3 field goals that wins the game, and you’re like, that was good. We won. No.
I’m saying that the the entirety of the game itself might be more entertaining even though there’s not one standout play that I was like, wow. That was a great play. So for me, my ranking is probably 3142. Okay. I can’t believe that 3 is the number one movie.
That movie, I still am pissed about that movie. I think it was it was trash, but that’s just me. Yeah. Yeah. That’s why we’re different.
You’re the artsy, you know. I have this guy who’s nominated for all these directional Yeah. You know? You just wanna see people get murdered. That’s it.
Right. Exactly. Well, I mean, I think we just you’re artsy. I like deck. What do we what do we get in there?
Exactly. Yeah. You’re fartsy. Alright. Alright.
What do we got coming up next? We got book 5, Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix coming up next. Alright. Well, that was Goblet of Fire, the movie.
We’ll probably catch you in a in a week or 2 for War of the Phoenix. Excited for it. Alright. Bye now. Bye now.