What’s Is The Deal With Seat Belt Laws?
How can you possibly pull someone over for not wearing a seat belt and then watch someone ride by in a seat belt-less metal crotch rocket and say ‘yup, no issue there’.
How can you possibly pull someone over for not wearing a seat belt and then watch someone ride by in a seat belt-less metal crotch rocket and say ‘yup, no issue there’.
14 book club questions coming at you. 13 of them are aimless and worthless just like the dwarves and 1 of them is awesome like Bilbo.
5 Most Condescending Sayings You Have to Deal With At Work
Imagine Ocean’s Eleven, add in elements of The Rock, then sprinkle in some magic and some over arching political dynamics.
Questions more ruthless than Kaz, more cunning than Inej, stronger than Matthias, more powerful than Nina and shoot quicker from the hip than Jesper.
The story of a band willing to cross (and do) every line to find musical success and rock the world… While wearing socks on their dicks.
Everyone of these questions ends with “, question?” just the way Rocky would want them to.
Armageddon, but instead of an asteroid destroying earth it’s space algae and instead of roughnecks Bruce Willis and Benny Affleck, we get a ‘cool’ middle school teacher playing the role of cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz.
Nnamdi stands at almost 6’3″, can run a 4.45 40-yard-dash, and is an unreal actor? Save some for the rest of us.
To the people that brag about their ability to handle spice, I have one message for you… No one cares.