Rotten Tomatoes Movie Variance: The Replacements
In our Rotten Tomatoes Movie Variance section we talk about films that are both underrated and panned by critics, with audience score telling the true story. Today we’re talking: The Replacements
The Washington Sentinels Football team goes on strike. The Sentinels must rely on veteran coach Jimmy McGinty and a group of overlooked/oddball replacement players, including down-on-his-luck QB Shane Falco (Keanu Reeves).
Do you take yourself too seriously? Do you want everything to be set in the world of realism. If so, it’s probably best to avoid this movie. This movie is half part Rudy half part Naked Gun. Very similar to Dodgeball, but set in the world of football. Keanu and Gene Hackman are both amazing as expected and play the movie pretty straight up, which provides the Rudy-effect. The side characters make the movie though. Side note – Orlando Jones may be the best actor of all time, watch him in this and watch him in Drumline, and tell me he is not under appreciated. Dude is ridiculously funny and can pull off drama! Nice touch having John Madden and Pat Summerall in the movie as well (rest in peace to two legends).

Best Reviews
James, the role of Shane Falco is to bring together his rag-tag group of teammates not to be the comedic relief. You ever watch a sports movie before? Don’t you ever take Shane Falco’s (or Keanu’s) name in vain. They don’t sell jerseys for QBs because they deliver jokes, they sell them for guys that can deliver tight spirals on a 7-route and overcome a Sugar Bowl blowout.
Another James? That’s pretty unoriginal. Are we now basing comedic sports movies on originality? Uno-reverse card on you, by saying it’s unoriginal, like many of the other critics, you’re actually the one being unoriginal. There isn’t a single bone of originality in your entire 110-word review.
I’m going to chalk this one up to David not having any professional teams to root for. Yes, I know this review was written in 2000 and the Chargers moved in 2017, but this is what happens when you don’t have an NFL team in your city. Frankly, the first sentence was a little over my head, he’s throwing too many big words at me, because I don’t understand them I’m gonna take them as disrespect. But watcha mouth and keep Gene Hackman and Keanu out of it.
This may be the most offensive take. You can say a lot of things about The Replacements but how dare you say it has recycled heart. Sounds like Martel talking. This movie had heart… Miles and miles of heart.
Best Scene
Honestly, the “miles and miles of heart” from above is probably favorite but I just love when the the team starts coming together:
Movie Mood and Similar Movies
Looking for an uplifting, silly, feel-good sports movie? Or are you just missing football, and need your fix? Look no further. This is a great weekend, beer in-hand movie, or a great background movie. You can pretty much pick it up from whenever and you aren’t too far away from a classic scene. Like I said above, if you liked Dodgeball, this is pretty similar but underrated.
Check it out and let us know if you thought it was good or if the James’ were right.