Rotten Tomatoes Variance: Swordfish
In our Rotten Tomatoes Movie Variance section we talk about films that are both underrated and panned by critics, with the RT audience score telling the true story. Swordfish is 1 hour 40 minutes of pure entertainment and fun. This movie has great pacing, tons of action, hacking, bank robbing, politics, sex appeal, twists, and the cast is just phenomenal. It reminded me in many ways of Gone in 60 Seconds, and wouldcha know, Dominic Sena directed both of these movies. Congrats Dominic, you’re the ultimate RTV king. Honestly, the more I think about Swordfish, the more I appreciate it. I’m pretty shocked that it was both panned by critics and given a pretty low score in my mind by the audience:
Swordfish Movie Summary
Logline: A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell, headed by the duplicitous and suave Gabriel Shear, wants the money to help finance their raise-the-stakes vengeance war against international terrorism, but it’s all locked away behind super-encryption.
Actual Logline: John Travolta recruits a hacking-Wolverine to his organization of fast talking, loose moraled, and heavily equipped domestic patriots/terrorists. Oh, and Halle Berry melts your viewing screen.
First let me start with Halle Berry. I grew up watching this movie on TNT. I was in love with Halle Berry, and that was whilst watching the edited version of this film. I didn’t hit puberty until I saw the real rated R version (at about 19). Halle Berry pulls off a top 5 hottest character in a movie in my mind (#1 goes to Jennifer Love Hewitt, in Heartbreakers). But do you understand how hot you have to be to pull off the short hair cut?? She was rocking the Ed Sheeran look and still bringing the absolute heat.
Anyways back to the movie. It had you rooting for the good guys, rooting for the bad guys, and then flipping and wondering which side was which. It’s funny at times, it’s original, and it keeps you entertained at all times. I probably rewatched in 15x growing up and enjoyed it every time. So I was shocked, shocked I tell you, by the Rotten Tomatoes scores. But per usual it lacked artistic integrity or some other film school nerd jargon.
Swordfish Best Reviews
I’ve seen this movie described as a techno-thriller a lot. I kept thinking, I don’t remember that much techno in the movie. But it turns out that ‘techno’ is short for technology-thriller? Uhh, pardon? If only there was a way we could shorten technology so that it isn’t another common noun. You know like ‘tech’. Which is what every other industry shortens it too. What is wrong with movie people? Nextly, let me address the clearly misguided comment from our guy Charles here. John Trovolta a fast fading star? John Trovolta was in Austin Powers Goldmember (briefly) right after this movie, and then a mere 6 years later he stared in Wild Hogs. So I bet you’re feeling pretty stupid right about now Charlie.
I’ve had to read this a few times, and I’m still not sure what it means. Is Geoff saying extended rock guitar solos from the 70s are bad? This is quite a head scratcher because literally the greatest two lengthy guitar solos ever written were from the ’70s. Only made better in live rock concerts. Of course I’m talking about Stairway to Heaven and Freebird. Perhaps rock music never made it up to Canada (did Rush leave and never go back)? That’s the only plausible explanation or maybe he’s saying the glass-smashing in slow motion is awesome. In which case, he is correct and we’re on the same (Jimmy) page.
Does the fact that I enjoy this movie make me empty-headed? Perhaps, but if a movie is empty but entertaining, I ask you what does a full movie represent? Einstein said that. I won’t argue with Glenn about whether or not I’m empty-headed, weary, or jaded. I will concede all of those points. But I did want to know what ‘to goose’ someone meant.
Listen Glenn, I won’t sit here and have you make fun of me for being ‘goosed’. What I enjoy doing or having done to me in the privacy of my own home is none of your business.
Swordfish Best Scenes
A lot of the the reviewers called this movie unoriginal and formulaic… which had me scratching my head. I can’t recall any movie that had this type of scene in it:
Maybe it’s because this opening monologue calls out everything they love and a critically acclaimed favorite (Dog Day Afternoon):
Mood and Similar Movies to Swordfish
If you’re looking for a relaxing chill movie night, this isn’t it. It’s a pretty jammed packed movie, that makes for a great rewatch to see what you missed. I would say it’s similar to the Matrix, Enemy of the State, Law Abiding Citizen.
Got other movies that would make for a good Rotten Tomatoes Movie Variance or have some input, well reach out!
February 13, 2023 @ 2:40 pm
JLH in Heartbreakers is a great shout. Close 2nd for me is The Tuxedo (drooling face emoji). Jackie Chan got snubbed at the oscars that year imo.
February 13, 2023 @ 5:01 pm
Jackie Chan was looking good in that movie, I’ll give you that. You sound like a sophisticated young gentlemen — are you German? We’re looking for guest bloggers, so feel free to send over any other hot (as Jackie Chan) takes.