Wrong Place Wrong Time – Gillian McAllister – Episode 63
It’s officially summer (for all our northern hemisphere listeners), so the Buddies are jumping into some beach reads. They kicked things off with Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister. The time jumping murder mystery thriller, had the Buddies discussing Instagram’s ‘for you’ section, interview questions, and how they would have made the book ending a lot darker. So don’t respond to that work email, read up on your physics, and jump into the Buddy Book Club time-loop as we read Wrong Place Wrong Time.
Intro: (0:00-2:20)
Stock Up/Down (2:21-26:15)
Favorite Character (26:16-26:58)
Love/Hate (26:59-39:39)
Listener Mail (39:40-41:30)
Casting the Movie (41:31-42:29)
Conclusion (42:30-45:00)
Transcript for SEO purposes 🙂
Alright. Welcome to Buddy Book Club. I’m Dylan, here with the only man I’d wanna travel through time with, Keith. What’s up, buddy? Yep.
Right place, right time, Keith, man. Me and you. Every time. That was your catchy line here? I came up with that on the fly.
So that’s pretty good. Good for you. Well, here at the Buddy Book Club, we’re breaking down some bestsellers. And this week, we’ll be discussing Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Jillian McAllister. Jillian, Jillian, not a 100%, but we’re going with Jillian.
If you’d like to recommend a book for us to read or reach out to us about any past episodes, you can visit our website, buddybookclub.com, or slide into our DMs on Twitter or Instagram, buddybookclubpodcast. You can listen to us on iTunes and Spotify or wherever you get podcasts, so please download and subscribe. I said Jillian just because I listened to an interview with the author and the only time the name was mentioned was at the beginning when the person who was interviewing her said Gillian. He or she probably had no idea either. They’re just like kind of like throwing it out there like Gillian?
The author didn’t correct them, so I’m just gonna go with it. But Wrong Place, Wrong Time. It’s about a woman who travels back in time to ensure her father doesn’t miss his date with the Grim Reaper. Accurate? That’s that’s one way to put it.
Did you have another way? I think it’s just to go back in time and and look in the mirror. It was very vain with everything she backed up. She’s like and then my phone was different. It was like, that was the biggest things that she, like, noticed.
She was like, I looked younger and my phone was different. The most important thing is when I go back in time. Oh, and my dad, I guess I can save him. That’s okay. Yeah.
Or not. I did think there was one somewhat profound thing that she said when she kept noticing how good looking she was in the past which was she kind of said she spent all that time seeing her imperfections. I’m not attracted for this, that, or the other thing. And then time, which will get us all, shows her that, damn, like, she should have appreciated that when when she had it. So But we’re we’re aging like fine wine.
So, I mean, if anything, you know I am. Those insecurities when we were in the twenties were were fine. Yeah. But, you know, now we’re perfect. So it’s it’s fine.
I was in the best shape of my life in my mid thirties, and now I’m later mid thirties, and I got fatter again just so I can then get even better shape in my forties. That’s that’s thinking. That’s really That’s what I’m doing too. You can’t lose a lot of weight unless you put a lot a lot of weight on. So, I mean, that’s a smart, really.
Exactly. Yeah. Good point. Alright. Well, let’s jump onto some stock up, stock down.
Keith, what do you have for stock up for wrong place, wrong time? Stock up criminal meet cute. Pardon me? You know what a meet cute is. Right?
I have no idea what a meet cute is. You don’t watch that romcoms. So a meet cute is basically to do a movie or book. A story kiss can’t have some 2 who people meet in, like, a regular meeting. It has to be some Bizarre circumstance?
So Hitch is a perfect example of that. At the beginning of the movie, those are all meet cute. Oh, it’s creating the meet cute. Yes. Exactly.
A story basically you tell people of how you met. It’s like, so it’s so crazy. My dog ran away and he found the dog and brought him back to me and that’s how he like, that’s a meat cute. And this, it’s a criminal version of that. So the only way really to meet your significant other based on this book is you bump into them whilst on some sort of criminal escapade or looking into some sort of criminal activity.
So we have Kelly meeting Jen Yep. When he’s going over to basically talk to her dad Mhmm. Her dad ends being a criminal in this case. Oh, my god. It’s so cute.
How you guys mad? Yeah. And then Cleo or Eve meets Todd when she comes over to, like, deliver a package for her from her shady uncle, quote unquote uncle, I think it is. Yeah. So that’s the only way to meet someone.
And, I mean, I did the same thing. I was committing some wire fraud and, you know, it’s like fraud on on the side when I met my icing of the other. How about you? Were you doing that or is it, like, things not gonna last? Well, no.
There was no wire fraud. I mean, unfortunately, she had already been divorced at the time, but if it was a little earlier, it could have been an illicit affair kinda thing. You know? Well, that’s not criminal. Just morally wrong, I guess.
You’re more for, like, putting things that are in the bible into law. Is that what you’re getting at right here? Is that what you’re trying to say? Yeah. We’re stoned we’re stoned The 10 commandments yeah.
Ten commandments should be law is what you’re saying, and they should be criminal. A 100%. Okay. Yeah. Alright.
Yeah. That’s fair. I will covet anyone’s life, sir. My first stock up was I mean, this is a quick one. Easy, simple.
Let’s start off easy and simple. But being king, stock up. Yeah. You know, they say the British monarchy. You know, it’s just really like a a ceremonial title.
You know, they don’t really have a lot of political power anymore. So it might not be that cool. You gotta go to a lot of press conferences, you know, a lot of shaking babies and kissing hands kind of stuff. But I guess in England, all unclaimed property goes to the king. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
In in America here, the municipality will just hold on to it for you until someone claims it. If your grandmother had some unclaimed property, whoever owns her trust can just go and claim it. Like, the the state will just hold on to it. There’s a certain amount of time before they take it, though. Right?
I don’t think so. There I don’t think there’s a statute of limitations or whatever in Really? The United States. Like, you can go on to some website, people should all do this, and see if you have any unclaimed property. Like, I did that, and someone said that to me.
I was like, no way. I have anything. I had, like, $700 in a HSA I opened or whatever that was just sitting there with the state. Yeah. $700 right in your pocket.
So, yeah, people check that out. Unfortunately, if you live in the UK, it just goes to the king. So, Yeah. Long live a king. God, it’s good to be king.
What’s the lion king? Just can’t wait to be king. Just can’t wait to be king. Yeah. Because then you get all the other property.
The king and queen are just giant lost and founds? Yeah. Exactly. They’re like the gym class except instead of like shitty sneakers it’s people’s hard earned assets. Yeah.
That’s awesome. Yeah. What else here for stock up? Thinking outside the box, stock up, I think this has been one that’s occurred in past episodes as well, but why does it take, a physicist to believe in time loops? Is that is that what we’re left with here?
People can’t go outside any sort of box and think differently? Mhmm. And this happened to multiple times in the book. Jen is literally predicting the future being, like, oh, we’ve been to this day. Like, I’m in a time loop.
This is about to happen. Mhmm. And then it happens. They’re, like, you know what? You seem stressed.
You seem like you, you know, need a break. You are you tired? First of all, you demon could be like, hey, Keith. Like, today it’s gonna rain. And if it did, I’d be like, holy shit.
You’re in a time loop? I’d be right in. I’d be jumping in ready to go. I don’t need to be a physicist to believe in something. And that’s why we read fantasy books.
That’s why we read these things. We wanna believe in things that are a little outside the box. Oh, yeah. Like, these people what is their life that they can’t even imagine anything that’s happened that’s not irregular without being like, you’re tired. I just don’t care for it.
Yeah. I I live a pretty pretty standard day to day life that I want something wild to have. Right. So if someone come knocks on my door, this would be great. Some perfect stranger can come knock on my door and be like, I’m from the future.
I’ve seen this and that. And I’d be like, no fucking way. Come in. I’d be all in. There’d be at least some follow-up questions.
Right? I think the example, they’re like, your socks are this. They’re crazy. I’d be like, holy shit. Yeah.
It seems like you do they’ll be at least intrigued. It’s a cool thing to follow on with. Even if they’re lying, I’d be I’d play along. Someone would be like, your childhood stuffed animal’s name was Teddy. And I’d be like, holy smokes.
How did you know that? That’s so random. Yeah. Yeah. And it also felt like it took Jen a while, and she didn’t even prompt this.
It was the physicist who did, but to to set up some sort of, hey, let’s get through all the bullshit. Like let’s cut through the bullshit at the beginning. It’s like some rules. He eventually was like telling, you know, my imaginary friend when I was a kid’s name was Steve, whatever the fuck it was. I don’t remember.
But you think at the beginning, once he figured out the first time who she was, that they would have set that up. Like, hey, we’re gonna talk about this again. So is there something, is there a code I can tell you that’ll make this a lot easier? And at the beginning, obviously, she had a lot of stress going on. I get it.
But I would have been setting that up with everybody. I’d be like, like, tell me something you never told anyone before. Let’s cut through this. Next time I see you, we’ll do this, and I’ll I’ll have that I’ll have that ammunition. Code word.
I did enjoy the when she, like, took Kelly out to see that car accident. Yeah. Then he still didn’t break after that. He’s like, well You say that’s a lot of car accident. Yeah.
It’s like, so is there anything secret you wanted to tell me that, you know he’s like, nope. That’s, everything in my life’s perfect. We’re fine. He could’ve disclosed it all right there to her right right then and there. Be like, oh, you’re in a time loop.
You’re going backwards. Well, maybe this giant secret is probably the reason. What I would have done is I would have been like, actually, I’m God. I’m gonna tell you what’s gonna happen. And if you don’t divulge all of your secrets to me, you’ll be internally, like, spited or gone going to hell.
And then and he’s gotta open up. Right? Because you you know the future. You know what’s happening. And you and, like, you just showed him evidence.
Right? Not bad. I also don’t get why she didn’t buy more lottery tickets. I would have definitely been buying lottery tickets. You’re not gonna see it the next day, so it doesn’t matter.
Well, maybe on the day when she changed everything. You didn’t know what day it was gonna be. Mhmm. Okay. Fair enough.
Well, there’s also tons of time loops going off in different directions. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a quantum time loop situation.
Yeah. On a similar vein, I guess my stock up is The Butterfly Effect. So not the movie with Ashton Kutcher. Although it is a it is a good movie. I don’t remember it.
I just remember it being a good movie. It’s a mind fuck. Yeah. Yeah. I like those movies.
So it’s always made out, the butterfly effect itself, it’s always made out to seem like something you should be hyper aware of if you go back in time. One small change can have catastrophic events in the future. Mhmm. For those that are unaware, the idea is, like, you know, a a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, then there’s a monsoon and there’s a whatever, something happens across the world. It turns out though that the butterfly effect, it’s just not that bad.
Jen decides at the end of the book to save this baby, baby Eve, without much of a second thought. You know, she just is like, today’s the day that Eve gets kidnapped. I’m going in. I’m going to talk to Ryan. I’m going to tell them that this baby is going to get kidnapped.
You would think that would have some wrinkles that would cascade through time. It turns out it’s not a big deal. She still ends up with Kelly slash Ryan. They still have Todd, which is pretty wild. All the situations would have to be exactly the same for you to have the exact same baby in my mind.
It was a criminal meet cute, by the way, so just keep that in mind. That was the third one. I didn’t think about that. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Yeah. They re meet cute, but it was around something criminal. So Mhmm. Still worked. Not a ton of questions from his supervisors about how she knows this baby’s gonna get kidnapped or anything like that.
I feel like there would have been a follow-up, But literally nothing changes except that the baby was saved. So I think the bottom line is whenever someone brings up time travel or whatever, like, oh, you know, don’t go back and kill baby Hitler because it’ll change everything. It’ll really just change nothing. World War 2 won’t happen. You’ll still be here.
Everything’s gonna be exactly the same. So don’t worry about how things will shake out. Go kill baby Hitler. Alright. Hot take.
Alright. I like it. I was thinking maybe something a little bit less impactful, but alright. Is that usually what people say when they think about traveling through time? Well, that’s more like the moral question.
Would you ever go back and kill something evil even if it’s a child? I mean, yeah. Sure. Wait till Hitler’s in a World War 1 trench and bayonet him, whatever the case is. Oh, yeah.
That’s that’s that’s more moral. Yeah. Yeah. Good point. Yeah.
Or or just, like, wait till he’s in art school and then just, like, really berate him so that he’s Or you could be like, dude, that’s a really good painting. You should pursue much further. Wow. Yeah. I think that’s in Family Guy.
Alright. Let’s get into stock down. What do you get for stock down? My 2 stock downs are kinda similar. The first one is the 5 f’s.
Stock down on those. Okay. I’m not familiar. I tried to look it up. I thought this was well known or maybe it’s the 4 f’s, but remember the 4 or 5 f’s to to talk to people about that you have if you just first meet meeting them.
I never use them. But it’s friends and family Yeah. Firsts, fun from, like, where you’re from, and favorites. Those are, like, the things you’re supposed to go up when you, like, meet someone. Sorry.
Sorry. Say that again. Friends, family, from. From where you’re from or Yeah. 1st.
So, like, oh, is this the first time you’ve I’m not really sure the first. The first one seems a little bit harder. Fun, so what do you do for fun, and then favorites too. So why are friends and family tucked into 1? I don’t know why those are in one.
There should be 6 f’s. Yeah. There should be 6 f’s. What do we do? 6 f’s.
Yeah. Anyways, I would never use them, but I think it’s a good conversation. But, Kelly, he doesn’t have any of these. Doesn’t have any friends or family? No.
None? None. No firsts. So I don’t there the only thing Kelly has is witty banter, apparently. Like, that’s Yeah.
What are they talking about? I don’t understand. The first time I meet, we’re in this long conversation. Like, what were they talking about? Mhmm.
That’s why I don’t understand. He can’t talk about any of these things. You can’t talk about any fun he does. He does I don’t even know, like, any opinions of his. Like, what what What are they what is he doing?
Did they also say, like, stupid people talk about other people, normal people talk about things, and smart people talk about ideas. Yeah. Some ideas. I like that. It’s like stupid people talk about other people.
In what way? Like gossip? Yeah. Like, you just sit around and chat about other people. Normal people talk about things, like what’s going on, stuff like that.
And smart people talk about ideas. And I’m sure I’m butchering that quote. Isn’t that like, when you’re on cocaine you do that a lot too? Oh, I’m sure. I’m sure there’s lots of drugs that psilocybin, stuff like that.
I’m sure you just talk about ideas and stuff like that. So but, hey, it opens pathways in your brain. Legal in Colorado. You’re going there, so you let me know. Sidebar, on on Instagram, I don’t know why I put this profile, but I get inundated with cocaine memes and GIFs.
They’re like, when the guy pulls out, like, the baggy at the end of a party, and I’m like I’m what does this mean? I don’t know what’s like, I’m, like, all these memes, and they’re all cocaine related. And I’m, like, why am I getting How are you part of an algorithm? I don’t know. I have no idea.
That’s, like, when I went to Cabo, I wear that group of friends. No. Not one of them, like, someone came up and asked them they want drugs. I had, like, 10 people be like, hey, you are you looking for cocaine? I’m like, what?
They must say I have a big nose. They’re like this guy. Yep. That is that’s so fun. I think you have a Kelly Ryan type situation.
Mike, your alter ego or whatever, is a huge coke head. It’s as simple as that. And you’re pretending to be Keith. That and I and then I have, like, Taylor Swift memes. It’s it’s kinda weird.
What a mix. Dichotomy. Yeah. It’s weird. Yeah.
I’ve actually always thought it’d be fun at a social event or whatever to Use the 5 f’s? No. Even better. The the i’s, you everyone passes around their Instagram page, and people just look at your your Explore feed and you try yeah. You try to guess whose Explore feed you’re looking at.
I like that. Yeah. I feel like mine would be pretty straightforward. It’s like pickleball and cooking stuff. So pretty pretty easy.
But you find out, like, the one nerdy person is, like, all about, like, big booty hoes or something like that. I would love it. Well, that was interesting sidebar. My first talk down is writing work emails. I mean, especially when you’re stuck in a time loop, but what’s the point?
And Caroline actually pointed this out. She also read the book. She was like, I don’t understand why she keeps writing these work emails. She’s going backwards in time. Like, it’s honestly not gonna matter.
The future her is gonna do it. You’re gonna have to write them anyways. Yeah. I mean, like, who cares? So just don’t write it.
I understand, like, wanting to maybe, like, take yourself out of this situation for a minute, but go go watch an episode of Seinfeld or something. You don’t have to start writing work emails. Also, in real life, half the time I write work emails, I think I’m in a time loop because most people don’t even read them and they end up asking the same questions that I’ve already answered. So all of it just doesn’t make any sense. Point is just don’t write work emails.
When people email you, just just don’t email them back. Simple as that. And if they and if they ends up getting too far and they’re like, what the fuck? You never responded to me? Be like, I’m sorry.
I was in a time loop. I thought future me was gonna do this. I’ve been going backwards in time. My bad. I’ll take a look now.
Simple. Yeah. That was my first note. I was like, it’d be kinda awesome just having to call in sick everyday to work and not have to worry about it for the, like, the remaining of the time loop. Right?
You wouldn’t have to worry about any work, do any, like, responsibilities because it’s not gonna matter. Yeah. 100%. I completely agree. We’ve talked about this before, but 90% of things I do, I say to myself, well, that’s future Keith’s problem, not my problem.
You know? Like, I have to present Keith and future Keith. And future Keith, I fucking can’t fuck that guy, you know? Yeah. Unprotective sex.
Gotcha. What else did you have for Stockdown? Goddamn it. Stockdown, preparing for interviews. This kind of ties into your last episodes Mistborn, the final book there.
You had a Stockdown for planning. Mhmm. But when you go to an interview, the first thing they ask you is like, where do you see yourself in 5 years? Right? Mhmm.
Kelly’s answer was keeping a fraudulent undercover name, not making any friends, not ever sharing anything personal, not making a difference even though I became a cop to make a difference. I’m gonna not do shit. Mhmm. And then having absolutely nothing planned for 15 years later when the guy that I get 20, yeah, 20 or 15 years went up 5 years I’m talking about. Okay.
20 years later, Toto gets out of prison. Mhmm. What was he doing this whole time? Why what was the point of keeping this name? He had nothing planned other than to to get a son involved in it?
Yeah. What what are you doing this whole time? I didn’t quite make sense. It was, like, ruined from the last, that’s exactly right. That’s what I was saying.
We had a 1000 years and Kelly had 20 years to put together some semblance of a plan, but he was like, you know what? I actually have no idea how to be a painter decorator, so I’m going to spend 20 years honing my craft because I totally lied to this woman that I know how to paint. And she’s gonna say, oh, honey, like, there’s all these holes in the walls of this new house. Like, can you paint the wall? And if it looks like shit, then it’s gonna be a bad look.
So I gotta learn how to paint. So maybe that’s what he was doing the whole time. Just becoming a professional painter decorator. Is that another British thing? Painter decorator?
What’s the word for here? Painter. Just you paint. What do people that, like, build stuff called? Carpenter?
Yeah. Carpenter. Yeah. Carpenter’s a woodworker, though. I assume carpenters also throw some paint on there if they need to.
Yeah. I mean, sure. They’ll paint some wood, but carpenters means you work with wood. I mean, just ask Jesus. Okay.
Go back in time and ask him. You don’t think Jesus picked up a paintbrush once in a while? 16 chapels, kid. He helped with that. 16 chapels.
He was all over those. I wonder if you. I said it right. I learned that recently. I always said I was 16.
I’ll be honest. Did you really? That’s funny. Oh, yeah. Because I was joking.
I was like, that’s a total key thing, but that’s amazing. Woah. I learned that, like, 3 years ago. I’d love you to show up in Italy and be like, alright. This was cool.
We’re the other we’re the other 15. They’re like, Sir, you were just on a tour for 4 hours. That was your accent. I thought you could say 16. My next knockdown is being a supportive parent.
Just don’t do it, people. Just don’t do it. Jen’s dad pays for her uni and pays for her training so that she can become a successful lawyer. And how does she repay him? She decides to not use her newfound power superpowers, really.
Superpowers. Not even powers. They’re superpowers. And she just lets him die. Even though she finds out that there’s a way to save him.
She’s like, oh, there’s this new therapy. This is around, or there’s this new, like, way we can deal with this. This was around in the past. All I have to do is pick up the phone and say, hey dad, you might wanna look into this. Simple as that.
They even steal a Harry Potter line as she’s like figuring out the day that Eve is captured or whatever. She says, oh my god, I might be able to save 2 lives on this day, which is what they say in Harry Potter book 3. Dumbledore says it to Hermione and Harry before they use their own time turner to go back in time and save Sirius and the Hippogriff. Unfortunately, she just goes, nah. You know what?
Doing this whole baby thing is changing enough already. Throwing a phone call to my dad would just be way too far. You know, that’s just way too much. I couldn’t possibly do that. She’s like, I’m gonna go in, tell my future husband and his boss, who will probably think I’m a criminal, that I know what these criminals are gonna do.
I’m gonna do that to save this baby I I don’t know about. But Yeah. I’m not gonna call my dad and let him know that, hey, you might be sick in the future and you should look into this. Wild me. On top of that, Ryan just disappears off the map once he falls in love with Jen.
His mom, the only connection she has is her son because her other son died. And he says, nope. I’m gonna leave my mom to take care of herself after he falls in love with Jen after like a half dozen dates. Mhmm. It’s like, nope, I’m not gonna even touch base with her for the next 20 years.
I’m going to spend no time planning for what happens when Joseph comes out and I’m going to just bury my mom in my mind until she eventually dies. So if you’re a supportive parent, be wary. Be wary here because if your child’s in a time loop, they will not save you. She kept on being like, the rules. I have to follow the rules.
I’m like, of what? Yeah. Did you do something arbiter or some person that’s like telling you why you’re going through this, like, the Nightmare Before Christmas? Not Nightmare Before Christmas. What’s that thing?
The 3 Christmases thing? Shit. Christmas pass, Christmas whatever. There’s usually, like, a person there. Yeah.
Yeah. You got Basil expedition going on, you know? Yeah. Exactly. But then also, to add to your point, Jen and Kelly just shit on their son constantly.
They’re like, what a fucking nerd we raised. Nerd nerd. Sucks. He’s just a smart kid that I didn’t understand that. They’re like, it’s so weird that we raised such a, like, weirdo.
Like, he’s just interested in something that you’re not interested in. Why does that make him like, it didn’t make any sense to me. Like, what? A 100%. Oh, I can’t understand this science stuff.
I’m just gonna ignore them. What? Yeah. This stuff’s way over my head. You’re such a loser.
What a piece of shit son we have. It’s like Classic. Dad, you’re a decorator. What the fuck are you talking about? And then she reads, first of all, your son is showing you the text that he’s sending to his girlfriend?
Yikes. Yeah. Big time yikes. And then you’re like, what a pathetic loser this kid is. Oh, Jesus Christ.
This I would dump this kid. A little nerd shaming going on at at the at the front of this. Eventually, she was like, wow. I I see that he has these abilities, and it’s wonderful. But it’s like, what?
Like, he just was into science. You know what I mean? He wasn’t he wasn’t into furries or something like that. Right. You had to then like go to a furry convention to like understand that it’s not so weird.
It was like he just likes science which is a thing. Like, heard of it. One of the major studies. Yeah. I’m sorry that your child makes you feel stupid, but don’t shame him for that.
Team Todd, team Todd, team Todd, which we’ll get into shortly because my last stock down is me, me, Dylan. I am stock down. Okay. I like to think of myself as a moderately intelligent human being. Let’s say I’m above the the 50%, but not far above.
That’s how I like to think of myself. But I didn’t see any of these twists coming. Honestly, I I really I think I’m somewhat of a dullard because originally when I read it, I was like, oh, okay. These are just good twists, whatever the case is. And then me and the wife here, we’re on a long drive recently, and she goes, oh, do you mind if I finish the audiobook?
Because I had already finished it. I was like, no. No problem at all. And she had, like, an hour and a half left. So we’re listening to it.
And the second they mention baby Eve in the past, Caroline’s like, oh, is that Chloe? Is that his girlfriend in the future? And I was like, mother, Hubbard, they barely even mentioned it. So she was all over it. I was not.
I felt a lot of internal sadness in my own intellect because I didn’t see it coming. So can you help me out and tell me that you also did see it coming? Me out with those. Oh, I didn’t I didn’t know that twist happened until Ellie told me the same thing. I was like, oh, that’s who that was?
I didn’t. So, yeah, I’m glad you you brought that up, but I have a few questions on that. Mhmm. 1, Chloe is supposed to be the same age as Todd. Right?
I think she’s 18. Cleo. Sorry. I kept saying Cleo. Sorry.
Whatever. It’s the same difference. Yeah. Eve is abducted as a as a child before they even meet. So she’s born.
So there’s gonna be at least a year to 2 years difference. So I don’t really understand how they’re the same age. Yeah. Did they say they were the same age? No.
Well, they said she’s 18. I mean, they’re in the same high school. Maybe maybe she’s only like 2. In the high school. She lives in.
Oh, okay. So he’s dating an older woman who loses her. Wow. Yeah. And then just talking about how hot she is the whole time.
I’m like, alright. Yeah. Okay. Oh, let me zoom in. Who who raises her?
I I don’t understand that. Yeah. Yeah. And if you’re gonna go away for 20 years, couldn’t she just be like, oh, wow. The baby got returned.
So now I’m at a prison like, I don’t understand. Like, he’s getting going away for 20 years for kidnapping. Right? Also, it’s a baby. It can’t point you out in a lineup.
Like, you just leave it at a police station or a fire station. Blockbuster was around. Put it in the return video slot. Like, it honestly, it’s a baby. Put it wherever.
Anyone’s doorstep. Who raised the baby? No. That wasn’t explained. His random friend who then she called her uncle.
But Isn’t that Joe? Isn’t that who that was? No. It was some other guy at the beginning. Yeah.
The names in this were very confusing to me. Yeah. Kelly, by the way, for the first, like, five chapters, I’m like, who is this chick Kelly they keep on talking about? I didn’t know it. I was like, who’s Kelly?
Yeah. It it honestly made no sense that they kept the baby. Like, it it really it’s a baby. I think that was a twist that they put in there. I think it was supposed to be that the baby died, and then she’s like, you know what?
Let’s throw this in there. The baby lived, and that’s who he’s dating. But they it does soulmates. You know? I guess they they all still stay together at the end.
They’re all soulmates. Let’s just say you come to me. Like, hey, I stole a car. I found a baby in the back seat. Will you take it?
I’d say, yeah. I’ll take it to a police station and drop it off because it’s a baby. Like, who wants to care for this baby that was abducted? It’s just not gonna work out for you. Gone in 60 Seconds where they, steal a car and it has tons of the drugs in the back.
And they’re, like, go return the car. We don’t want this shit. That’s what you do. Simple. Right?
Yeah. Exactly. Nick Cage. I mean, come on. Nick Cage knows.
Pick your character. I’m going for Todd here. I mean, team Todd, good sense of humor, likes to play video games, super smart, Willing to stab a convict who just spent 20 hard years behind bars to save his family. What else do you need? The guy’s got it all.
Time loops too. He he he was ready for the time loop questions. He was like, oh, yeah. This is what I do. It’s obvious.
Yeah. But you haven’t done any of this stuff, mom? Loser. Who’s the loser now? Team Todd for me.
I was the the physicist. He was basically the He was Basil Exposition. Yeah. For sure. And and I like that he had, like he was, like, a Texan or something, at least in the way the, the voice actor did him.
It’s like a southern He’s an American accent. American accent or something. Yeah. Love to see that. Yeah.
We got our USA. USA. Alright. What do we love about Rock Place, Rock and Hog? Oh, I I meant to put this in the interview prepping for interviews, but Kelly also in an interview, the reason why she liked him is that his greatest weakness is office donuts, which let’s be let’s be honest.
That’s a phenomenal answer. That’s a Wait. What was that? A home run answer. The reason she liked Kelly is he said he once took an interview and they said what’s your weakness and he said office donuts.
This is that’s a great answer. Yeah. What a phenomenal answer. Nice. What would you you’ve interviewed people.
What’s like, what what are you looking for for an answer there? I’d be fine with something quippy. We started watching Suits. Did you watch Suits? Yeah.
It it kinda falls off at the end. I really liked it though otherwise. Yeah. I’m I’m sure it does. And it is I don’t watch a ton of, like, that type of TV show.
Goes on for season to season. It’s, like, episodic kinda thing. But we just kinda needed something to to to watch, and it was there, and it’s popular, and I’ve heard people talk about it. So I was like, yeah. Sure.
We’ll we’ll give it a shot. And I like that the lawyer was looking for someone that, at the beginning, just, like, says something super different in an interview. You know, it doesn’t really matter. Anything crazy. If I interviewed someone and I said, what’s your weakness?
And they came up with something that was intelligent in a quippy way, I would be all for it. I would hope that they would then follow-up with something that applied to the job. They just said office donuts. Be like, oh, right. Well, cool.
I like the answer. I mean, that’s the reason for me and you. But I think 95% of people, their resume says they’re qualified. You don’t know if they’re qualified. Maybe they are.
But if they they’re like someone you would wanna hang out with, what matters the most. Couldn’t agree couldn’t agree more. I mean, and most of the people that I hire are like out of college or like young people for Right. Right. Intro jobs in these follow ups with other people that interview them.
I’m like, I don’t know if they have a proficient enough skill in this department. I’m like, they’re 22 years old. Like, who cares? Right. You can learn.
They’re willing to learn, and they seem like a good hang. That’s that’s good enough for me. You know? Yeah. I’m gonna have to banter with this person, especially when you’re in the office, like, back in those days.
I’d be like, I have to actually sit next to this person. Like, they better be chill. Otherwise, we’re fucked. No. But that was one of my loves.
The other one, another one was weakness. Bladder. I pee every 30 minutes. Yeah. Alright.
Not bad. 999 Yeah. Big fan. Way better. Big fan.
The 911. I I forgot. I’m glad you mentioned this. I also think 911 I I a lot of times, I’m like, is it 991 or 911? I mean, is that just me?
Or am I the idiot? Okay. Yeah. Call me Todd. Anyways Someone’s breaking into your house.
She’s like, 9? Call 991. 1. It sounds right. Yeah.
991 sounds right. Why why do they why 911? Why not 999? It’s so much easier. Much Much easier.
Why have to spend the extra time to cross over the entire keyboard or or the keypad? I’m there for it. Yeah. Doesn’t make any sense. That Was Your Love was 999.
I respect that. I respect that. Yeah. Well, my love is books. Heard of them?
Audiobook, regular book doesn’t matter because for this story, wrong place, wrong time, you just can’t do this story without it being a book because it is heavily reliant on you not being able to see the characters with your eyes. That’s why it works. If you like this was a movie, the first time you saw Ryan, you’d be like, oh, Kelly’s Ryan. Got it. What’s next?
Yeah. You know? Be like, oh, Chloe’s Eve. Right at the end. Perfect.
Got it. Totally. So it’s it’s an interesting thing that you can do with books that you can’t do with movies. Well, I mean, you you don’t get the reveal until the end anyways with Khloe, so I don’t think that matters. Khloe matters less.
Cleo. Cleo. Cleo. Whatever. Same different fucking.
We’ll keep on saying the name wrong. That’s that’s a meme move. What are you doing, kid? I know. But Cleo is, like, miss Cleo.
That’s the only Cleo I know. Well, what else did you love? I mean, I like Time Element books. But that was mine too. Man of Oz.
Yeah. Or movies. Anything you have to keep track of, anytime you’re, like, trying to solve a mystery with, like, time involved, shouts to Nolan, you know, Christopher Nolan. Because I wouldn’t really include a memento. The story is told in a different time, but it doesn’t really have, like, a time element.
You know, I’m thinking more of, Edge of Tomorrow. All of his books are are all the all of Christopher Nolan’s movies are timed. Oh, yeah. Tenant. Tenant was super time focused.
I hit you can dig into that. But Edge of Tomorrow, that Tom Cruise movie, AKA Live, Die, Repeat. Great great movie. Looper, Bruce Willis movie. Although, we don’t talk about that director.
Who is it? Star Wars director. Oh, Ryan. Ryan Johnson or whatever. And he did the second Glass Onion.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 2, Groundhog Day. Mhmm.
Well, yeah. They’re I I just I love time as a plot device, like, time situations. I think that the ones I listed did it pretty well. I think it can be done poorly. Oh, how did I forget Timecop?
Jean Claude Van Damme? That’s a phenomenal I’ve never seen that. You’ve seen time cop? Oh, go back and watch that on it. That’s a great shitty Sunday movie.
I did see Jean Claude Van Damme on the streets in LA, and I walked by him. And I said, holy shit. That’s John Claude Van Damme. And the SGF didn’t know who he was. I was like What?
Yeah. I was like, Jesus Christ. What are we doing there? Bloodsport? What?
Sudden death? I remember watching his movies as young being like, this is the peak of movies can be. Yeah. And if I watch them now, I’d be like, Jesus Christ. This is the worst movie ever.
No. No. No. No. No.
Bloodsport is is still checks out. I mean, there’s 2 splits, like, 2 epic splits that happened in that in that movie. And it’s just the Kumite, it just it’s an amazing premise. You know? There’s this underground martial arts battle that happens in the middle of Asia, like, crazy.
Awesome. Good for him. K. Hey. What do you got?
The first night that we meet Joe Joseph. Alright. He goes by Joseph. Whatever. Joseph, they specifically say that Kelly is wired.
He’s, like, I gotta get wired up. And on the first meeting, he’s, like, hey, listen. If you turn me in, I’m gonna come back and get you. When I get out of prison, I’m gonna fuck you up. And they shake on it and they say, me too.
Wouldn’t that be enough evidence right there for the police to, like, relocate him and help him out and change it? It’s like No. That’s like the whole No. You said it. They shook hands.
The handshake wasn’t on the audio, so it doesn’t count. Yeah. No. So so stupid. It’s a fine line with me bring this up, but it did have the last thing you told me vibes where the the logistics and logics of some of the like, specifically Kelly of what he was doing made zero sense.
Like, just no sense. Mhmm. Like, there’s a 1,000 things I would do before lying for 20 years to my wife about my undercover and not having friends. Like, I already brought brought it up. But, like, all these things you have to do to cover up a small lie that could be solved by, numerous things, you know, just I don’t know, just really bugged me.
I was on my list too. I also was just was a big fan of his thought process, assuming this fake identity for the rest of his life. Witness protection, like you said, seems like a pretty easy one. I know that they’re gonna be like, oh, so you would have to turn in her dad and, like, she would you’d have to, like, tell her that you met under false pretenses or whatever the case was and and hope that Yeah. You know, it would work out.
But the alternative, which is pretending you’re a painter decorator with this fake name that you can’t travel anywhere, you can’t do anything, you can’t have friends, you can’t see your mom, Like, it all I mean, even in witness protection, you couldn’t either, but, you know, that seems to make more sense. Or just simply tell Jen who you are. Say, hey, I was actually investigating. I did your data solid by getting him out of this. Right.
But we now have to hit the road. Like, we gotta move. Yeah. Move. Move anywhere.
Yeah. Just move. It’s as simple as that. You just move. And like you said, Joseph still comes back for him anyways.
It doesn’t it doesn’t matter, you know, whether he’s Kelly or Ryan. He knows about Jen, so he could just go to the law office. Joseph can just go to the law office whenever he wants. So it seemed like Kelly’s plan was once he got out to, like, pretend he’s still in and then get Nicola to arrest him again in the future. But a lot of that just doesn’t make sense because Joseph would be like, alright.
Cool. What have you been doing for the past 20 years? He’s like, I’ve been assuming this painter decorator waiting for you to come out so we can start our criminal enterprise again. It seems like there was lots of ways for him to get out of that, and I know it it obviously fucks with the narrative of the whole thing, but just didn’t seem super thought out. The big thing, the whole story is around Todd stabbing Joseph.
I still don’t understand why he did it. It doesn’t I know Todd was looped in and told, hey, you gotta stop dating her because back in the day, I’m gonna tell you all these things that I was a cop. This happened. Why was Joseph outside their house that night? Why did Todd just take it upon himself to stat?
Like, what was the reasoning there? There’s no there’s no lead up to that. We know what’s her name? Angela? Is that her name?
Yeah. We know she got beat up. Is that we’re assuming that she I didn’t really say beat up or murdered or whatever. She, like, injured or something? I I just don’t understand.
Like, what was the lead up here and why is Todd stabbing? And then why is Todd, like, I’m not talking to anyone. I’m not doing a lot. It’s, like, what? Why would any why would you do that either?
Not that it’s because it’s supposed to be a nerd. But those who’s been let’s be smart. Like, what what are you doing? It also seemed like the way it played out with Todd’s Todd stabbing the guy was probably fine. Like, I I honestly She’s a lawyer.
But he might have gone to jail, but, like, it wouldn’t be for that long. She’s a lawyer. But he might have gone to jail, but, like, it wouldn’t be for that long. There was this criminal who came out and he was saying he was going to, like, come after her mom and her dad or, excuse me, his mom and and his dad. And he just did what he thought he could do to save his family.
Like, it’s gonna probably would play okay in court unless the judge was like, oh, you like science? You’re a loser. 20 years to life. Loser. Yeah.
And when they show the police station, when they’d be like, oh, Ryan, what are you doing here? Like, you know? Yeah. So, yeah, it’s been so long. Ryan, what do you do here?
He’s like, oh, I assumed this fake identity and never moved. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, no cop sees him in the street, and he’s just like, oh, Ryan.
What’s going on? Yeah. It doesn’t make any sense. I thought it was a little too clean, of a finish for me because, you know, we’re talking about time travel with big changes need to happen for you to, like, quote, unquote, save your son. There just has to be some backlash.
Backlash. It worked out so perfectly with him now dating Eve, who was Cleo, and her, and Ryan now living this happy life with Todd. It it was, you know, obviously, her dad died, but that’s how she wanted it. So it was just a little too clean with all of the moving pieces. It all works out for your family.
I get it. But you come back into the now after Saving Eve and Joseph is the prime minister of the UK and has declared, like, nuclear war on Russia. Like, woah. I like that. What the fuck?
Like, yeah. That’s some Black Mirror type shit. Yeah. Exactly. So it saved my family, but but what the fuck?
I mean, even if it works out like it did, we’re presuming that Ryan now has been in has been a deep undercover police officer for 20 years. So so he’s seen some shit. He’s had his Donnie Brasco moment. Understandably, there could be some marital issues. You know?
Maybe she comes back, and it’s like, oh, Ryan’s hit the bottle hard because he was with a Hells Angels biker game or whatever. I’m like, this is what we needed. Crystal meth or or something that yeah. Todd’s okay. Ryan’s had some bad stuff.
He can’t stop painting decorating, and he doesn’t know why. But, yeah, just just something along those lines. It it was also just a little weird to me. Cleo’s a meth addict because their mom’s actually like, gone, baby, gone. Yeah.
Now we’re talking. But she even says in this new world that she’s created that Joseph gets off. Right? He’s not he’d they never catch him. Oh, we save the baby, but we never catch the criminal.
It’s gone in 60 seconds. He’s stealing cars. Who cares? That’s not even like a big oh, I guess he’s on drugs too. Well, that’s what they said that she’s like Cares.
Whatever. Criminals are gonna criminal. You know? People are gonna steal cars. People are gonna sell drugs, whatever the case is.
So Ryan should never become a cop then. Yeah. How If that’s what it should be. Yeah. How about instead Joseph is like she looks in the paper and finds out that Joseph most.
Dilemmas. Yeah. But something terrible happened. So it was a little too clean and too too too nice for me. A little too Reese Witherspoon book club for me.
Joseph, found God and became Okay. We got some listener mail. What do we have? You’ve got mail. This is from Marie from Southern California.
I loved how Jen deeply appreciated her husband’s juicy backside. This is for the female listeners. We have Oh. We have to ask Hold on. I’m interested.
Go on. I’d like to think it was a crucial strategically placed characteristic. That’s a lot of big words there. The author used to foreshadow Kelly slash Ryan’s true character. Do the buddies agree that your partner’s juicy assets can be a light in dark times or that they can be marked for a great personality?
Good question. Our partner’s juicy backsides can do what for light and dark times? That your partner’s juicy assets can be a light and a dark can be light in a dark times or that they can be a mark for a great personality. Yeah. That’s what Galadriel gave Frodo in Lord of the Rings.
He said, Here’s this juicy ass so it can be a light for you in a dark time. He’s like, Oh, she loves Larry. Just show him my wife’s ass. I appreciate it. No.
I’m hey. It’s always a light for me in a dark or light time. And I’m talking middle of the winter, no tan, just show me that white. Yeah. I’m I’m down for it all.
I don’t I’m I’m into it. What are we talking about? What are we talking about again? I don’t I would never objectify a woman. That’s that’s I wouldn’t do it.
No. This is appreciative of the of the appreciative of the body and brain. Yeah. Well, obviously, you do. But I think Jen was the whole time because she she married a dude that’s 0 personality, 0 friends, 0 background, 0 history, but she you had a nice ass.
So hey. Listen. That’s what she was into. I don’t hate it. Don’t hate the player.
I hate the game. You know what I mean? That’s the other thing. She kept asking him to, like, paint stuff around the house so he’d get on the stepladder and she could see his butt. And he was just getting on the stepladder and be, I don’t know what I’m doing.
I have no idea how to fill this hole. I have no idea what’s going on. She said, fill my hole. Oh, he knows how to fill the hole. Trust me.
Hey, I think Todd came along. Do you have anyone to cast for this one? I want some all stars here for the casting. I casted one person for Kelly slash Ryan. Jen, Emily Blunt, runner runner back.
Okay. Girl on the train slash the Tom Cruise one you just mentioned. Live, die, repeat. Kelly, Charlie Hunman. Mhmm.
Okay. I do know. Looks like a painter, but also is like an undercover cop. Mhmm. I had Jeffrey Dean Morgan for him.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He was in, like, the second half of the or a portion of The Walking Dead stuff. Oh, yes. Okay. Yep.
Yeah. I just said he had that Tall, dark, and handsome. Rough. Yeah. Exactly.
Tall, dark, and handsome. Yeah. Gruff. He’s got a great ass, honestly, so that was a big thing for me. That’s that’s the most important thing.
Yeah. You know, really, that’s that’s all we’re looking for for the cast. Good call good call on that. So does Charlie Hunman. I mean, what?
Who the only cast that really matter for Joseph, Vinnie Jones? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course.
Guy Ritchie movies. Yeah. I’ve been quoting Gone in 60 seconds. So I mean, you know you know I was gonna put pull someone out like that. Alright, Keith.
Wrong place, wrong time. Julian McAllister, would you recommend this to our listeners? I wouldn’t. I think if you’re looking for this type of book, I would go I’d first recommend Silent Patient. I think that was much more gripping and much more, like, the whole time tense.
They never, like, hooked me the same that that one did. Yeah. And then if you’re looking for a good time travel book, Dark Matter, I think, is better than this one as well. There’s 2 books that are better that do the same thing. Yeah.
I would recommend those 2 first. Yeah. I think How about you? I didn’t I didn’t really think about it and didn’t compare it to, like, past books we’ve read, which is absurd considering we’ve read like 50. But yeah, no, I think Dark Matter is definitely a better exciting time travel summer read.
Like, that’s also a summer read, you know, like, almost a beach read, so I would say that. We haven’t read The Midnight Library, which is also, from what I understand, like, somewhat of a time travel thing. And people love that book, so I think we should add that to the list. But yeah. And I don’t think I liked Silent Patient as much as you did.
I think it’s top 5 for me. Oh, shit. Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, you you you really liked it.
I do think, though, that, like, the twists were a little more interesting in that one. These ones, you know, I wasn’t when the twist happened, I wasn’t like, oh, fuck. That was cool. It was just like, meh. Alright.
That that that makes sense, I guess. You know? But at the same time, I wouldn’t say, like, I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s it’s a quick book. It’s, like, 11 hours That’s fair.
Audiobook. It’s a I think this would be a pretty easy beach read. If you were going away for a weekend, you could take this book. And at the end of the book, feel like, oh, okay. That was exactly what I expected.
It’s a middle reliever kinda situation. Yeah. Yep. Good good analogy. So, yeah, I’ll take I’ll take it as that.
Do we know we have come out next? Oh, we’re gonna we’re gonna do some some CS Lewis. Right? Oh, yeah. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
The original first book or I guess book 2, but it’s the original, books that we’re doing. Yeah. That’s a quick read. Should be good to go on that soon. Yeah.
Lion Woods and Wardrobe. I we’re not gonna do the series. That’s for sure. But, you know, it’s a classic. So and we haven’t read a lot of classics lately, so we we need to I feel like we need to get get back into that.
It helps that it’s a quick read so we can keep going with more and more content. So, coming over next, Lion Wishes and Wardrobe. Get it at your local library. I’m sure they have a copy. Do not be ashamed of being an adult and going into the child section to get Lion, Witch and Wardrobe.
And then after that, we’re gonna read, Wool, which is now a Apple series. So if you’re about to start the show, don’t get the book. Listen to us instead. We’ll have those coming out pretty soon. Alright.
Good combo. Glad we did it, and we’ll catch everyone next time. Alright. Bye now.